Blue Essence Emporium returns to League with massive quality of life update

Blue Essence Emporium returns to LeagueRiot Games

The Blue Essence Emporium is finally headed back to League of Legends, and it’s got some big changes coming that’ll make it easier for players to gain and spend Blue Essence.

For players who have been loyal to League of Legends for years, there isn’t much to spend Blue Essence (BE) on. Once you’ve got all the champions unlocked, all that’s left is to buy out Champion Mastery, changing the name on your account, and other miscellaneous uses.

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Enter the Blue Essence Emporium, a shop meant to reward those who have spent years hoarding BE. In the past, this shop offered some very limited-time skins to players who had enough Blue Essence to back it up.

Now, the Blue Essence Emporium will be coming to League of Legends twice a year as confirmed by League developers, and it’ll rotate into the game twice a year from this point forward beginning on patch 13.17.

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This announcement comes alongside the promised addition of mass disenchantment, a huge quality of life change that’ll make it much easier for players who have been hoarding champion shards to get their hands on BE fast.

Blue Essence Emporium returns with a huge QoL change

The Blue Essence Emporium is essentially a victory lap for those who have been playing League of Legends long enough to have a hoard of Blue Essense. The in-game currency can only be acquired by playing the game, meaning those with a huge amount of play time often have more than they can spend.

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Previously, the crown jewel of the Emporium was Urfwick, a legacy skin that was incredibly rare before it was added to the shop and is still fairly rare due to the high asking price.

The Emporium was put on hiatus to get a rework, and that hiatus is finally coming to an end thanks to an announcement from League’s developers.

The return of the Emporium was paired with a number of updates from the dev team including an acknowledgement of the Quick Play mode that was previously teased, discussion about the future of the Arena mode, & more.

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It’s yet unclear if players can expect new additions to the Emporium, or if it’ll be the same offer of some limited time emotes, ward skins, and other goodies alongside the Urfwick skin. But, with mass disenchantment finally being added, it’ll be easier than ever to hop into the Emporium and get to shopping.