BLG booed as controversial MSI 2023 biscuits pause leads to chronobreak

G2 vs BLG biscuit pause MSI 2023Riot Games | Twitch

BLG’s ON called a game pause during a crucial game against G2 at MSI 2023 because he was unable to use his biscuits, resulting in a Chronobreak that denied G2 a sure kill and a leg up in the early game.

League of Legends is a video game that has a ton of small bugs that can add up to big differences in-game. Even the smallest item bug that can result in a player healing for 10 less HP than they normally would have can result in a game-winning kill.

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To try and sort through issues as they arise during tournament matches, competitive League of Legends events like MSI 2023 have an entire system dedicated to resolving bugs and other in-game issues.

In BLG’s elimination match against G2, BLG’s Luo ‘ON’ Wen-Jun called a pause due to being unable to use his biscuits. In the end, players and fans had to wait over 30 minutes for the game to resume because of an item that heals for very little HP.

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BLG ON calls pause at MSI 2023 over biscuits

When it comes to solving in-game issues, it’s difficult to ever find a solution that everyone’s happy with. Even in the event of game-breaking bugs, the fact that the game has to be rolled back to a time before the problem occurred can give either team an advantage.

BLG’s ON called a pause early on in their match against G2, one that fans and analysts questioned. No one was quite sure at the moment why the pause had been called.

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As it turned out, ON called the pause due to being unable to use his biscuits, a rune that gives players a consumable item that allows them to heal a bit of their HP and recover some mana.

The controversy wasn’t over the biscuits, but rather the timing in which he called the pause. His teammate Peng ‘XUN’ Li-Xun was on the verge of an inescapable death, with the pause being something completely unrelated to Viego getting picked.

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While it may seem small, the refs at the time ruled that the game wasn’t working as intended and decided to try a Chronobreak to resolve the issue. This essentially resets the game to a point before the bug occurred.

However, after two Chronobreaks weren’t able to resolve the issue, the game continued as normal with 30 minutes worth of a pause resulting in no tangible change in-game.

This pause caused a great deal of controversy, to the point that there was a chorus of boos from the crowd once the pause was lifted and players were back into the game.

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Even if the reason for the pause was verified by refs to be valid, players, spectators, and G2’s coaching staff were all frustrated with the timing of the pause and why it was called. The LEC team ended up losing the game in 29:50 minutes to be sent packing in London, while BLG moves on in the lower bracket to face the winner of the match between Cloud9 and Gen.G.