Bizarre Ivern bug takes LoL jungle tax to a new level

Ivern splash artRiot Games

A rather strange bug involving Ivern’s Daisy and Neeko camouflage abilities allows Ivern to steal lane CS without even being there.

League of Legends is a pretty huge game. Not only are there over a hundred champions but there are plenty of items and other mechanics too. This can make it incredibly difficult to learn as a new player, and even more difficult for the developers to balance in the long run. However, with consistent updates and patches, Riot is able to keep League of Legends in a somewhat balanced state.

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Riot often uses these patches to stomp out any pesky bugs that creep into the game over time. But with the sheer amount of content, it can be easy for bugs to go completely unnoticed. Add the fact that Riot is constantly updating it too, there are bound to be issues that arise from time to time.

With the mid-scope update for Neeko, she was able to transform into almost anything allied or neutral. This enhanced passive allowed her truly play into her chameleon nature, deceiving her enemies into devastating combos. However, a new less useful combo has been found when you transform into Ivern’s friend Daisy, truly benefitting Ivern.

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Ivern’s Daisy causes a bizarre bug with Neeko’s camouflage

As shown by League of Legends YouTuber Hextech Lab if Ivern summons Daisy, Neeko can transform into them. Neeko isn’t able to deal damage in this form though making the disguise kind of useless. There is one way that a Dasiy disguised Neeko can deal damage, and it helps Ivern immensely.

If Ivern builds any form of on-hit item such as Kraken Slayer, the on-hit damage still applies. What’s even stranger is that the damage is being dealt by Ivern, not Neeko. This means whenever Neeko last hits a minion, Ivern gets the kill credit and gold instead. This works even further, Neeko can slay a champion as Ivern’s Daisy, and Ivern will instead gain the gold. Neeko won’t even gain an assist.

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Neeko can also bypass towers this way, as the game doesn’t register her being the damage dealer, meaning she can tower dive away as long as she remains as Daisy.

This bug is rather niche, so it’s unlikely to break games anytime soon. With that being said, Riot is always on the lookout to fix bugs so this may get solved in a future patch.