All League of Legends map changes in Season Start 2024

A screenshot from the game League of LegendsRiot Games

League of Legends Season Start 2024 is set to introduce a series of map changes across every lane in the game.

League of Legends is a highly complex game with champions and items that take years to grasp fully. Once you get a grasp of those concepts you are faced with other even more critical concepts such as warding, wave management, map macro, objective control, and so much more.

However, it seems the complexity is about to increase as Riot Games has decided to make changes to the Summoner’s Rift.

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While the changes might seem small, they will have a lot of impact on how players control their lanes, how aggressive they can get, and how junglers gank lanes.

A screenshot from the game League of LegendsRiot Games
The top lane will receive a few changes in Season Start 2024

Every map change coming to League in 2024

Here is everything we know so far about the jungle changes in League of Legends Season Start 2024.

Top lane

The Top lane will include two major changes in League of Legends Season Start 2024:

  • The terrain on both sides will be closely mirrored from now onwards.
  • A brush and small wall combination has been introduced towards the entrance of the river.
A screenshot from the game League of LegendsRiot Games
The Jungle will have one major map change in Season 2024


In the jungle, the only major map changes that have been introduced are the new wide walls across both Dragon and Baron pits.

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A screenshot from the game League of LegendsRiot Games
Mid lane change in League of Legends Season Start 2024

Mid lane

In the mid lane, the brush on the river entrance has been shifted back a little. This will be beneficial for those champions who are less mobile and are threatened by ganks from enemies hiding inside those brushes.

A screenshot from the game League of LegendsRiot Games
League of Legends season 2024 bot lane change

Bot lane

In the bot lane, there are three major changes that you can expect in League of Legends Season 2024:

  • The blue tri-brush area in the botlane will be mirrored onto the red side.
  • The two sides will be much more symmetrical and side-related advantages will be reduced
  • Similar to top lane, a small brush and wall combination has been added to the river entrance

The developers want to bring more symmetry when it comes to the top and bot lanes, but safety for the mid lane.

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These changes will not only alter the laning stage, and objective control but also the way flanks and teleports work during team fights.

This is all that we know about the dragon changes so far in League of Legends Season 2024. Check out our breakdowns of the new dragon changes and new void monsters that are also coming in Season Start 2024.