100 Thieves recruit Quid could miss LCS Summer split

100 Thieves Quid might not make it to LCS SummerMarv Watson/Riot Games | 100 Thieves | GenG

100 Thieves announced they’d be picking up Quid, a promising mid laner from Gen.G’s Academy team, to replace Bjergsen. However, EMENES claimed that Quid’s having VISA issues that won’t be sorted in time for the LCS Summer split.

100 Thieves’ 2023 roster had a lot of promise. Between fresh talent in the form of Milan ‘Tenacity’ Oleksij and Alan ‘Busio’ Cwalina alongside longtime LCS veterans Can ‘Closer’ Çelik, Peter ‘Doublelift’ Peng, and Søren ‘Bjergsen’ Bjerg, it was a fan-favorite team from the start.

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However, that roster wouldn’t last long. Bjergsen announced his retirement in a way that surprised even 100 Thieves. 100 Thieves had to scramble in order to find a mid laner that could fit the role.

They landed on Quid, a mid laner that’s been with Gen.G for a few years and has been developing within between their Academy and Challengers roster in South Korea. Unfortunately, it seems that Quid’s run into some VISA issues according to Cloud9 mid laner Jang ‘EMENES’ Min-soo.

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EMENES claims 100 Thieves Quid is having VISA issues

EMENES is back from MSI and has started grinding solo queue as soon as he got back. He decided to start up his stream and talk a bit about his experience at MSI and answer questions from viewers.

One chatter brought up the topic of Quid coming to North America with 100 Thieves, to which EMENES responded, “I heard he can’t come. Not yet. I heard he needs to wait 2 months for a VISA.”

This was a bit of a shock to those watching, as 100 Thieves have yet to acknowledge whether or not Quid will actually be able to start for them in Summer.

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All we know for sure is that 100 Thieves have bootcamped with the mid laner in South Korea, and that he’s set to be their starter if all goes well. But, if what EMENES said is true, all may not be well in the 100 Thieves camp.

What’s more, 100 Thieves just dropped their NACL team along with many other LCS organizations. On one hand, there’s a big pool of talent to pull from for a temporary mid laner, but, on the other, there’s no set-in-stone mid laner they can put into the team.

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It remains to be seen what 100 Thieves will do if Quid doesn’t have VISA issues sorted by the time the LCS Summer split starts.