Hogwarts Legacy players want major Harry Potter feature in future

Staircase in Hogwarts Legacy with player facing themPortkey Games

Hogwarts Legacy players have called for a major feature of the Harry Potter series to come to the game, either through an update or in a sequel of the game.

Hogwarts Legacy was a huge hit among Harry Potter fans when it first launched in February 2023, and even became popular among non-Potter fans too, as the RPG let players explore the wizarding school in more depth than ever before, even more so than the books and the films.

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While the Hogwarts Legacy player count has diminished since that initial excitement, there is still a solid contingent of players who simply can’t get enough and are still playing through the game, waiting in anticipation for a sequel that hasn’t even been announced yet — albeit, Warner Bros. have teased the possibility of a second game.

With so many possible options for what could come in a Hogwarts Legacy sequel, some players have decided that there’s one key part of the Potter story that must be included: the Triwizard Tournament.

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Triwizard Tournament in Hogwarts Legacy 2?

A Harry Potter feature that many players have called for since it launched, but is now picking up support again, is the inclusion of the Triwizard Tournament in Hogwarts Legacy.

For those who never read the books or watched the films, it’s an inter-school tournament hosted at one of Hogwarts, Durmstrang, or Beauxbatons, where one student from each school takes on a series of dangerous and potentially deadly tasks in order to be crowned the Triwizard champion.

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Harry Potter & Cedric Diggory shared the honors in the original books — though, without spoiling it for anyone, it wasn’t quite as fantastic as they might have imagined — but now players want the chance to etch their names in the wizarding history books too.

“There is canonically no reason for Hogwarts Legacy 2 NOT to do The Triwizard Tournament,” said one Reddit post, which has since picked up hundreds of upvotes and comments in support.

In it, an image of a passage from Goblet of Fire highlights that multiple attempts have been made to bring back the tournament in some capacity over the years, though it never ends well.

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Many of the comments were heavily in support of the idea, including one that even suggested the game could be centered around the tournament. “Amazing plot point that could carry through the length of that game,” they said. “You’re chosen, and each ‘quest’ is a Triwizard challenge. The tough part would be making it different enough from the book.”

In the Potter series, the tournament was believed to be abandoned in 1792 when a cockatrice went rogue and attacked a number of people and left the headteachers of all three schools injured, though as the book suggests, there have been some attempts to bring it back over the years since.

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Not much has been said about a possible Hogwarts Legacy 2, though with so much lore and source material to work from, there is an abundance of directions for the game to take — including a Triwizard Tournament.