Hogwarts Legacy players shows off insanely long 30-minute spell combo

Troll boss Hogwarts LegacyAvalanche Software/Warner Bros. Games

A Hogwarts Legacy player showed off a ridiculously high spell combo they managed to reach during a fight with one of the game’s Troll enemies.

Those who’ve played Hogwarts Legacy know the game has a surprisingly deep and robust combat system, where students can wield up to 16 spells at once.

While it certainly can take a long time to master, some students have already pulled off some jaw-dropping feats by pushing the game’s combat system to the limit.

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Now, one Hogwarts Legacy fan detailed how they managed to pull off a nearly 2,500 spell combo in “a half-hour” long fight against one of the game’s sturdier enemies.

Hogwarts Legacy fan pulls off incredible spell combo

The crazy spell combo came from a user going by the name candletastetester on the HarryPotterGame subreddit. The title of the post said, “My new personal record,” and showed a picture of the spell combo counter sitting at a staggering 2,427.

Other members of the community were stupefied at how they were even able to reach a combo that high, with many making jokes about the poor enemy on the receiving end of the player’s spells.

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“Jesus man. Just kill it already,” said one fan, while another joked that instances like this are “When Avada Kedavra suddenly becomes forgivable,” in reference to the game’s three Unforgivable Curses.

Multiple people in the comments guessed that the player used an Inferi enemy to reach the combo, as they don’t take any damage until hit with a Fire-based spell. However, the OP confirmed it was actually “a very sad River Troll” and that according to their girlfriend, “it took about a half-hour” to hit 2,427.

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In response to others guessing at the spells used for the combo, they confirmed that most of the hits came from Basic Casts, as Trolls can’t really be juggled with spells like Levioso and Flippendo. The fact that the combo was performed on a River Troll makes the feat even more impressive, thanks to their resistance to a variety of different spells.

Impressive as it was, it seems this may not be the end of this Hogwarts student’s dueling feats, as they asked the community if they should strive for a 10,000 spell combo in the future. Only time will tell if they’re able to top this spectacular combo.

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