Shotguns reign supreme in Helldivers 2 & players want other ways to spread democracy

An image of Helldivers 2 keyart.Arrowhead Game Studios

Helldivers 2 players are arguing for better balance across all weapons, as the primary category is full of multipurpose shotguns that fill many voids.

As more players loaded in Helldivers 2 after the server struggles during the launch window, weapon balance has steadily become a topic of debate.

As updates come through, the developers have steadily nerfed some weapons rather than buffed the weaker weapons, leaving players confused. One player shared their take on the state of balancing via a post shared to the Helldivers 2 subreddit, where shotguns run rampant as they fill all voids needed.

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Punisher-shotgun-Helldivers-2The recent buff to Punisher shotguns made it so players are using more than just the Breaker, but people want more reasons to use other weapon types.

The player elaborated: “Please, just Buff/Rebalance the other primaries to be better at their roles.” The rest of the post described how the weapons should match their respective classes — assault rifles serving as medium-range all-rounders, SMGs perfect at close-range engagements, and more.

Plenty of player feedback echoed similar sentiments, as players lobbied for an equal balancing across the board. One player even recalled the days of the previous entry: “Yeah just look at HD1 and you’ll get an idea of how it should be.”

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Others shared their frustration on Helldivers 2’s shotgun supremacy: “They really have to buff the rifles I’m tired of running shotgun all missions.”

It’s been a long two months since Helldivers 2 dropped, and with updates happening frequently, it isn’t out of the question more weapon balancing is on the cards.