Helldivers need to ignore one key Stratagem in Terminid Control System missions

A screenshot from the game Helldivers 2Arrowhead

Helldivers 2 recently introduced the Terminid Control mission and players are having a hard time with this. As such, players are demanding to stop using one key Stratagem which can lead the mission to fail.

Helldivers 2 is one of the most popular games, which means the player base is rising massively. This huge player base leads to a wide number of players who often lack knowledge of how to take care of missions.

The brand-new Terminid Control System mission is quite hard and players have complained that playing with randoms can be a challenge. The biggest issue that fans are facing is that the normal Mortar is damaging the Silos way too much leading to problems completing the missions.

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Helldivers 2 players demand a stop to Mortar usage in Terminid Control mission

The discussion surrounding the topic was initiated by a Reddit user who claimed that players should stop using mortars. They commented, “Guys you deal damage to the silos. Didn’t you realize it?” They further continued, “Also cluster bombs next to the silo are very counterproductive. This mission is one of the easiest mission in the game and I know it because I played it a lot on Helldive. But this is hit or miss because of the teammates. This is the only reason why this mission is so tough.”

They also stated, “Do you have a team full of cluster bombs, mortar or other teamkill Stratagems? You know exactly that after 30 minutes you can leave the group because it won’t work anymore.” Finally, they suggested, “Use the EMS Mortar and the Tesla Tower (throw the Tesla Tower appropriately far away from the silo) and you will have an easy life.”

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Other players joined in the conversation as a lot of them have similar ideas. One such user mentioned, “EMS mortar on the other hand is still S+ tier in almost every mission.” Another commenter chimed in, “Every one of these missions, everyone loads up on eagles and explosives.”

A player replied to the aforementioned comment and stated, “I had someone put one in the middle of the platform during a kill mission. Did he expect everyone else to go hide in a corner?” Finally, one of the users claimed, “People really struggle with this mission type for some reason despite it being very straight forward.”

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Therefore, it seems like the struggle surrounding the mission is about players using the wrong loadouts. Most of the loadouts are self-destructive leading to the mission failing despite it being easy and straight-forward.