Helldivers 2’s Illuminate faction looks closer than ever as mysterious black hole appears

Helldivers 2 Black Hole Illuminate FactionArrowhead Game Studios

Helldivers 2 players successfully liberated Meridia but they aren’t convinced that the black hole they left behind is what the devs say it is. We could be looking at the introduction of the Illuminate.

Helldivers 2 players have just completed the most destructive Major Order yet by collapsing the planet of Meridia into an artificially created black hole. Meridia had been turned into a Terminid-infested hellhole after a slight malfunction with the totally safe and carefully constructed Termicide.

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That place was practically begging to be turned into a black hole. Ask anyone in the Federation of Super Earth and they’ll tell you. A recent announcement on the reliable Strohman News Network insists the black hole is a beacon of liberty and promises that a new and improved strain of Termicide is being developed.

Unfortunately, some eggheads on the Helldivers 2 Subreddit are stirring dissent by claiming that the black hole isn’t actually a black hole. These crackpots think it’s some sort of wormhole that’s going to flood the galaxy with something called ‘Illuminate’.

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According to the chief dissenter in the ranks, the glorious black hole doesn’t have an “accretion disk” or “photon rings”, whatever those are. “It’s probably a wormhole. Super Earth High Command’s probably s**tting their pants right now,” one traitor theorized.

This obviously makes no sense because the officers of Super Earth only use regulation latrines but the slander didn’t stop there. “Meridia should have shrunk into nothingness,” they continued. “The fact that it leaves a giant, screaming purple void means something went very wrong for them.”

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Many Helldivers 2 players seem to believe that this supposed wormhole will introduce a faction of advanced aliens called the Illuminate despite no official record of such a race existing. Luckily, even if they do, some of the more committed soldiers of Managed Democracy are ready for them.

“Let them come. We first reunite them with their fellows who came to our turf before, then we go through the wormhole to spread liberty on the other side of it,” one misguided patriot declared.

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It’s a noble sentiment and they’ve got the right spirit. Unfortunately, there’s no such thing as Illuminate and any right-thinking Helldivers 2 player should report this kind of talk to their local Ministry of Truth office.

On an entirely unrelated note, if you notice any of your fellow Helldivers being sniped by a seemingly invisible foe, please report to your superior officer, you have won 1 million Super Credits.