Helldivers 2 teases return of “scary” enemy from original game

helldivers 2 cyberstanSony

Eagle-eyed Helldivers 2 fans have spotted what appears to be an enemy from the original game that has them worried about what new units could be coming to the Automaton army.

Players on the game’s subreddit are seeing what look to be Warlords and are sharing these glimpses, with one user showing screenshots they took of a couple.

These robotic adversaries have yet to appear in Helldivers 2, but it looks like that could be changing soon. A handful of what appears to be decommissioned Warlords have been spotted across Automaton planets.

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These robotic hulks were heavily-armored and usually only appeared during the higher difficulty missions. Due to their thick defenses, they posed much more of a threat than the normal Automaton units seen on the lower difficulties.

They were often seen as a formidable foe, as their arsenal allowed them to engage from a good distance away from players and do a lot of damage that way. Their armor also made standard weaponry useless against them, requiring more powerful tools and Stratagems to take down in a fight.

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One user points out that this would line up with the current lore of Helldivers 2 because “HD1 Encyclopedia states Warlords are in control of Cyborg society. Hopefully, these will appear sometime, now that the Automatons freed the Cyborgs enslaved in Cyberstan.”

It appears that a lot of fans had come across these massive units, but didn’t realize what they were. Now that they’ve figured it out, their fear has been amplified, as one person says: “May Liberty save us all..”

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Of course, these would not be the only enemies that the community has been wanting to see make another appearance. Over the past couple of months, Helldivers 2 fans have been clamoring for any sign of the Illuminate faction coming.