Helldivers 2 enemies like Stalkers can actually smell players

helldivers 2 stalkersSony

A Helldivers 2 developer recently revealed that enemies like Stalkers can smell players when in close proximity.

Helldivers 2 players don’t always feel like they’re getting a fair shake when facing off against the enemies of democracy. The bug-like foes known as Terminids arguably serve as the sequel’s most formidable antagonists.

Terminids such as Stalkers ramp up the tension considerably wherever they hit the battlefield. These hulking baddies can turn invisible, ambush players, and deal massive amounts of damage all in one breath.

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For Helldivers faithful wondering why the bugs can overwhelm them so easily, one Arrowhead developer has provided an answer.

Stalkers and other Helldivers 2 enemies can smell you, says dev

Arrowhead’s Head of Product Testing, Patrik Lasota, recently joined a Helldivers 2 lobby with content creator OperatorDrewski. While chatting with the YouTuber, Lasota addressed the community’s ongoing call for deeper stealth mechanics.

The developer noted that the game doesn’t technically feature stealth options now, certain things just tend to make sense because of the way Arrowhead designed its sound system.

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According to Lasota, “All of the enemies have hearing [and] sight. They also have, in some sense, an approximation of smell within close radius. If you’re in proximity of some of the units that are very sensory aware, like the Stalkers, they will detect you [regardless of whether or not] they can see you.”

Talk about the keen sense of smell possessed by some Helldivers 2 foes begins around the 2:45 mark in the video below:

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So there it is, Stalkers and the like can easily track down Helldivers 2 soldiers courtesy of their baked-in sensory awareness.

Helldivers 2 fans still holding out hope for genuine stealth options shouldn’t give up just yet, though. In fact, it was a comment from studio CEO Johan Pilestedt that sparked much of the stealth-centric discourse.

Pilestedt revealed that he used to playtest the sequel with “subsonic ammo and [a] suppressor,” neither of which currently exist in-game. Naturally, users want similar options to make their way into the final product.

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