Helldivers 2 dev addresses requests for larger squad sizes

helldivers 2 squad sizeSony

A Helldivers 2 developer has explained why requests for larger squad sizes may not be feasible in the game’s current state.

Not unlike countless other online cooperative games, Helldivers 2 lets players build squads with up to four teammates. Four players certainly feels like the sweet spot given the enemies Divers face in the fight for Super Earth.

Taking on harder objectives with just one or two players can prove a recipe for disaster, and groups of three aren’t much better.

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Naturally, many players can’t help but wonder if developer Arrowhead would ever consider assigning more than four players to a single mission. Community Manager Thomas ‘Twinbeard’ Petersson cast doubt on squads featuring more than four people in the future.

In a Discord chat (via PCGamesN), Twinbeard said “I don’t know” in response to questions about whether larger squad sizes would ever come to Helldivers 2. The developer said implementing such a change would require a lot of effort; thus, even if squad sizes do increase, it won’t happen anytime soon.

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His full comment reads as follows: “The short answer is I don’t know. I do know that if we ever go down that route, it would require a lot of work. If it’s ever a thing (which I’m not at all sure it will be), it’s in the distant future.”

Helldivers 2 is already chaotic with four players on a map. A handful of Divers calling in Orbital strikes, planting turrets, and chaotically shooting at anything that moves can only become more intense by throwing in more users. This especially holds true when considering the game’s friendly fire feature.

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If Arrowhead does increase the size of squads, the shooter’s already delicate balance will necessitate even more fine-tuning.