Helldivers 2 players warn that newest Major Order has a huge catch

Helldivers 2 Terminid Major Order huge catchHelldivers 2

Hundreds of thousands of Helldivers rejoiced as the Terminid planets in the current Major Order were taken almost immediately after the order was issued. However, it seems that these Helldivers 2 players celebrated a bit too early, and Terminid spores have spawned on the planet.

After the loss of Malevelon Creek and the subsequent failure of Helldivers 2’s first major order, players were determined to rally together and make sure the second one went in Super Earth’s favor.

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This effort was extremely successful, with Veld being taken in a matter of hours. Hundreds of thousands of players rallied to take the planet and earn their medals, and they put a similar effort into taking Heeth and Angel’s Venture.

That said, some players were confused as to why they didn’t receive their medals after putting their efforts into liberating these planets.

The devil is in the details on this Major Order. Not only do Helldivers 2 players have to capture these planets, they have to hold on to them. For almost a week.

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Helldivers 2 players have daunting Major Order battle ahead

With more players than Helldivers 2 developers expected hopping in at launch, there have been more side effects than just the servers getting overloaded; the developers have had to scale each planet and Major Order’s server-wide goals to pose a worthy challenge.

And, while “Game Master” Joel has been hard at work shifting the tides of battle behind the scenes to challenge players, the initial blitz on Terminid planets has resulted in huge success for Super Earth and 45 medals for all Helldivers who participated.

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After that, players quickly took over the next two planets required for the following Major Order, Heeth and Angel’s Venture. However, it seems Joel learned from the past with the previous Major Order having been completed so quickly.

The current Major Order lasts a week and requires players to hold on to the planets they’ve taken rather than just having the initial capture, something many players didn’t realize until reading the order in full.

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“Read it again. We need to be holding both planets when time runs out. These will go down over the days,” one Redditor explained. Players are convinced Joel is poised to ‘pull a sneaky’ on us and dramatically change the tide of battle as the week goes on.

Sure enough, that prophecy has come true. In a breaking update on efforts to maintain these planets, Joel has placed Terminid spores on both fronts to fight back against Helldivers 2 players.

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As players fight for Super Earth across the galaxy, it seems the enemy will be able to adapt and learn in unexpected ways.