Helldivers 2 players spot concrete evidence of new flying Terminids

A screenshot from the game Helldivers 2Arrowhead

Helldivers 2 players have confirmed sightings of new flying Terminids, and not even Super Earth can deny they don’t exist now.

Shortly after the March 12 patch, Helldivers began spotting a series of new Terminids as they battled to unleash Termicide onto the ordered planets. However, after reporting such sightings to the community, Super Earth (the devs) were quick to dismiss the treasonous thoughts, denying all evidence of new Terminids.

However, now one player has shared a Reddit post revealing what is likely the most concrete evidence of these flying bugs.

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“It’s all real, the lasers, the flying Terminids, everything” stressed the poster, showing off a clear screenshot of the new bugs in their mission.

Despite the fact that the evidence is irrefutable, players quickly took to the comments to call out the poster for their treason.

“I can’t believe there are bug sympathizers everywhere, like c’mon man super earth trained you better” joked one player, while another commented: This is getting out of hands now they are editing lasers and flying bugs together and they expect us to believe such cheap lie. Report to the nearest democracy officer diver.”

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Despite the skepticism, the poster insisted that the experience was real, protesting that they “were on Estanu” and that the team “were heading to upload data when we were attacked from the skies!”

Naturally, the community is so excited and dedicated to the game, that they’re sticking to the loyalties of Super Earth, even if the evidence is right in front of them.

Despite the evidence and arguments against it, players are pretty excited to see new enemies, and potentially a new faction arriving in Helldivers 2, with some thinking it could be coming sooner than you think.

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