Helldivers 2 players slam “worst” Stratagem ever

A screenshot from the game Helldivers 2Arrowhead Game Studios

Helldivers 2 players have had enough of one Stratagem, with many thinking it’s so bad that it’s being run by the enemy.

Fighting for Democracy is a challenge in Helldivers 2 and players must be tactical, a little lucky, and extremely collaborative to succeed in missions – especially at higher levels. Thankfully, along with a few powerful weapons, grenades, and teammates, you also have the use of Stratagems.

Stratagems are a key element of Helldivers 2. Thanks to a handy Sentry, Guard Dog, 500kg bomb, or extra weapon, those Automatons or Terminids don’t stand a chance against the Helldivers. However, when it comes to one key cannon, it’s clear that neither do the Helldivers or their entire team.

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Helldivers 2 players think “worst” Stratagem is controlled by the enemy

Sharing their frustration on Reddit, one user has theorized that “the 380mm Cannon gunner is, in fact, an automaton” rather than the liberty fighting team from Super Earth.

The evidence they gave for this treasonous theory explained exactly why they’re rightly so frustrated with the Cannon’s ability to aim correctly: ” [I] Throw the 380mm into a Heavy Bug nest, get some distance to watch the fireworks. First round is directly on my f***ing head. 2nd round’s (somehow) even farther behind me to hit my teammate in a Mech” managing to take out half the team unintentionally.

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“Find me the 380mm Gunner” they added, going on to say “I’m throwing that stupid son of a b***h into the vacuum of space. Aim at the massive god-damn Bile Titan taking up 20% of the impact radius? Nah. The three chargers? I sleep. A Helldiver on the ground- hell yeah brother!”

While it’s certainly satire, their frustration can be felt among the community with many echoing their cries for a new gunner.

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One even jokingly offered advice to the player, explaining “Safest place to be during the 380mm is where the stratagem lands. Throw it at your feet and watch the world burn. I used it until I had double digit kills, that was 10 team kills and 0 bug kills.”

Thankfully, others suggested a few ways to deal with the inaccurate Stratagem “I have recently had a bit of fun with calling down a 380mm barrage on my head, immediately calling in a shield relay, then sitting back and watching bugs get disintegrated from the safety of my yellow bubble.”

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While it may not be a fix to the Stratagem, it’s always safer to just get out of there, or drop it on yourself and either shield up, or accept your fate.