Helldivers 2 players slam “dumb” Extraction technique

Helldivers 2 cinematic imageArrowhead Game Studios

Some Helldivers 2 players are criticizing one “dumb” Extraction technique that’s certainly not team-friendly.

Helldivers 2 can be insanely fun and a lot easier when all the soldiers are working together to complete all the required objectives, survive dangerous threats, and Extract successfully at the end.

However, some players are slamming a technique where a particular Helldiver will initiate an Extraction without the rest of the team’s consent, leaving the other players on the opposite side of the map in the dust and pretty frustrated, especially if they’re holding samples.

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Helldivers 2 players kick member during Extraction and claim “will do it again”

A fellow Helldiver started a discussion on Reddit where they mentioned that they “kicked a guy at Extraction” but won’t hesitate to do it again if needed.

The primary reason that soldier got kicked was that they ran off all by themselves and called in an extraction when the rest of the team members were on the other side of the map, trying to “get a chance to breathe after clearing out a patrol” and” when all of a sudden they hear only “one minute remaining”.

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“I had 15 samples on me and two other divers that I am responsible for as the host. He had no mic and no communication.” said the Helldiver. They immediately took action to kick the one who initiated the Extraction without consent and said: “If you do this type of inconsiderate sh*t, selfishly and stupidly calling in extraction without consent of your teammates, expect to be kicked.”

Other players from the community jumped in to share a similar experience where they “played a level 7 mission” and “ended up getting to extraction with 30 common, 25 rates, and 3 super samples.” At the extraction point, one of the players got either disconnected or simply quit, while the other two players died. All their efforts went in vain as they “lost all samples because of that idiot.”

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“We had something similar the other day. I was at extraction with the rando, my buddy was running back with super samples that had gotten dropped from a disconnect,” said another Helldiver as their “entire run wasted. The random player after joining ignores team members and gets kicked when trying to extract without them.

“I kicked a guy yesterday cuz the A**hole shot everyone that was already on board the Pelican waiting for him. Just so he could take all the Samples which we already got at the last minute,” said another angry Helldiver as they complained how “everyone got in the Mic calling him out” as they “do not tolerate this sh*tty behavior.”

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On the other hand, a player got kicked as they “didn’t reinforce them during an ion storm where you couldn’t use stratagems.” The community feels “pissed” for that player and calls it “straight up dumb.”

Some players agree that it’s a “patriotic duty to get those samples to the extract, or die trying. The most you can lose is a bit of xp and reqs, but managed democracy has everything to gain.” There’s no doubt players absolutely hate when a certain team member starts acting selfishly or outright ignorant, disrupting the experience and taking the ‘fun’ part out of the game.

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