Helldivers 2 players share genius trick to not “waste” empty mechs

helldivers 2 mechsSony

With Mechs now available for everyone in Helldivers 2, players have devised a genius trick to not waste them once ammunition and rockets run dry.

It’s been a fight for the ages to acquire Mechs for all Helldivers. After appearing sporadically in a few lucky lobbies, Mechs became the focus for everyone at the turn of a new Major Order.

Helldivers rallied to Tien Kwan, the planet responsible for Mech production. Fighting off the Automaton threat in the good name of Democracy, players liberated the map and in the process, unlocked Mech access for everyone around the galaxy.

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However, while calling in Mechs is easy, not everyone is thrilled with their “fragile” design. Looking to spotlight a new use for the Statagem, some Helldivers 2 players are now giving a PSA for others to follow a simple yet effective trick.

When first jumping into a Mech in Helldivers 2, you’re given a set amount of ammunition and explosives. Once these are all expended, there’s really nothing more you can do with the Mech. Sure, it provides some extra armor, but with no other way to fight back, you’re relatively useless from that point on.

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Naturally, many are quick to exit the Mech and continue the fight for freedom on foot. However, a new tip may have you thinking twice before putting your boots back on the ground.

“This is a Super Earth Requisitions Department PSA for all active Helldivers,” a Reddit post hilariously opened, in tune with the game’s lore. “Do not just leave your Mech behind when it is out of ammo,” the player advised.

Instead, “strategic placement” of said Mechs can actually be game-changing, they explained. By leaving your Mechs in just the right spots near an Extraction Zone, you can effectively “create bottlenecks for bugs and borgs alike.”

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When done just right, not only will it funnel smaller enemies through a tighter path for you and your squad to annihilate, but it should help deal with bigger foes too. If the Mech explodes upon impact with a larger enemy, that’s free damage you otherwise would have missed out on.

So let this serve as a lesson to improve your skills when spreading Democracy. Even when completely out of firepower, Mechs can still be extremely useful in the right situations.

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