Helldivers 2 players fed up with how often they’re getting kicked

helldivers 2 major orderArrowhead Game Studios

The Helldivers 2 community is feeling frustration with how many people are kicking others from missions for not staying with the group.

Helldivers 2 has a lot of enemies that will spawn in any given mission, and all of them can easily overwhelm players if they’re not prepared.

Recently, some players suggested that these enemies spawn in greater numbers when teams split up from each other.

This has resulted in a lot of Helldivers 2 players kicking anyone who ventures off on their own, which is not sitting well with many members of the community.

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Helldivers 2 fans call for kicking to stop

You can find just one example of this issue being discussed on the Helldivers 2 subreddit, where a player says: “Thanks to the recent Reddit post, going alone is now a kickable offense.”

Their post comes with a screenshot of an in-game chat, where another player was hounding them for splitting off from the group, saying that enemy spawns will increase if this happens.

The community, largely, is getting fed up with this, feeling that this is taking out a lot of the fun in the game:

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“Even if the patrols thing is true (and it is interesting and nice to know, tbh), it’s so silly how so many people will metagame the fun out of everything.”

Many point to the recent “testing” done that gave people this idea. Many Helldivers 2 fans believe that they have drawn the wrong conclusion from the data.

“In this case, while patrols spawn at a faster rate, they also spawn over a much larger area, consequently encounter rates for patrols can actually go down (sometimes significantly) depending how spread out your player groups are.”

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So while there are more enemies that are appearing on the map, they are far more spread out because the players are covering more ground. This has no impact on the moment-to-moment encounters for each player.

“The problem with the relatively simplistic reading many got from a reddit post of raw test result data is people made bad inferences. See, most people aren’t actually that good at reading data, especially incomplete data like what was posted.”

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Another user points to other reasons they have been kicked that deserve scrutiny, such as picking up their own support weapon or just being a certain level.

Kicking has been going on in the game since Helldivers 2 launched, and it looks like the community is getting annoyed with it even more.