Helldivers 2 players demand fire-rate buff to “trash” weapon

A screenshot from the game Helldivers 2Arrowhead

Helldivers 2 has multiple weapons, but there are a few that need buffs on account of being exceptionally underpowered. One such weapon that players feel needs immediate buffs is a shotgun called Arc-12 Blitzer.

Helldivers 2 is a very fun game as it provides an engrossing gameplay loop accompanied by multiple options for the players. You are given access to weapons and Stratagems and you can use those to deal with challenging enemies to liberate planets.

However, some of the weapons in the game are quite underpowered and there is a shotgun called Arc-12 Blitzer that players are calling “trash” and calling for major buffs.

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Helldivers 2 players demand buffs to “trash” shotgun

The discussion surrounding the topic was initiated by a Reddit user who revealed, “This weapon seriously needs a buff.” They also attached a screenshot of the Arc-12 Blitzer Shotgun.

Other players joined in the conversation as well since a lot of them feel the same way as the poster. One user mentioned, “The arc damage between enemies never seems to work for me. I can aim at a group of scavangers and each shot will only kill one at a time.”

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Another user chimed in, “If it is gonna keep this fire rate, it needs to be able to consistently one-shot Hunters.”

One user claimed, “Unlocked it, tried it on a defense mission, never again.” Finally, one of the players suggested, “All it needs is like a 0.5-1 second buff to fire rate.”As a reply to this, one user stated, “Indeed. But I would like a little more stagger power. 2 Stalkers and you are dead. Because of how weak it is against them. I switched to the Sickle.”

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It’s safe to mention that players feel this weapon is quite weak. However, they feel that in order to buff it, either the weapon needs an increase in fire rate or an increase in its damage output.