Helldivers 2 players demand buffs to “useless” heavy armor

Helldivers lined upArrowhead Game Studios

Helldivers 2 players are calling for heavy armor buffs after the community believes it’s “useless” in its current state. 

Helldivers 2 features three different armor classes: Light, Medium, and Heavy – all of which come with strengths and weaknesses. Choosing the correct armor type can greatly add to your overall survivability, which is incredibly important if you wish to successfully extract with those all-important Samples

However, despite offering the most protection, heavy armor continues to be one of the most unpopular armor types in the game. In fact, the community believes that these chunky suits are pretty much “useless” when compared to both light and medium armor. 

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Helldivers 2 players want buffs to heavy armor

“I totally love being slow as f*ck so enemies constantly surround me, keep up with me so I can’t run away, and then slow and stun lock me to death,” wrote one player on the Helldivers 2 Reddit page. “I totally love that they nerfed the shield because I wasn’t engaging with fun mechanics like having control taken away from me. So. F*cking. Fun.”

It’s because of its stamina limitations and sluggish performance, that heavy armor continues to go unutilized. After all, in a game like Helldivers 2, where enemies can quickly surround you and kiting is important, there’s no real reason to pick it. Even running from allied Stratagem blasts can prove impossible.

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This has led to many slamming heavy armor as a walking death trap rather than a life-saving pick. “Heavy armor is only good if you want to save on funeral costs, it just turns you into a walking coffin,” joked one player.

While heavy armor may be “useless” in its current form, many Helldivers 2 players were keen to highlight how they’d make it more appealing to use. “In order for the stamina and speed penalties to feel even remotely worth it, they’d have to double the heavy armor value,” explained one commenter. “Plus make glancing shots/scavenger claws just straight up bounce off.”

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Whether the devs will make any adjust heavy armor in the future remains to be seen, but for now, it looks like the community is keen to avoid using it.