Helldivers 2 players care more about the story than medals

A screenshot from the game Helldivers 2Arrowhead

Helldivers 2 players have already received information that the latest Major Order to liberate Tibit is doomed for failure. Naturally, the community is involved in discussions but a few players feel that they care about the Major Order because of the story and not the medals.

The brand new Major Order to liberate Tibit was a hard one since the Automatons proved to be a dangerous force. The liberation of Ubanea took way too long making it became impossible to liberate Tibit on time. Therefore, the community is engaged in discussion as Tibit seems like a lost cause.

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However, a few players among them are not all that worried about the failure as they are not focused on the medals. This became prominent when one such user posted a meme on Reddit with the caption, “The only reason I care about the Major Orders is to see what happens and gets unveiled/unlocked.”

This led to several Helldivers joining in the discussion with quite a few of them agreeing to this post. One such player commented, “Losing major orders could unlock new planets to play on.” Another user chimed in, “Losing is a part of any good story. The story will still develop whether you win or lose.”

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One user also claimed, “Sometimes in life, things don’t go your way. It’s as simple as that.” Finally, one of the players stated, “Yeah, I could care less about the medals. Hell, I’m maxed out and have everything unlocked. I just wanna see how the war unfolds.”

Therefore, based on the comments, players want to learn how the game will progress as they lose Major Orders. This is because losing does not matter much either since the developers will continue to add new things. However, the fate of Super Earth is something that everyone is interested in.

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