Helldivers 2 players boycott Warbonds due to “borderline unethical” nerfs

Helldivers 2 R-36 Eruptor weaponArrowhead Game Studios

The Helldivers 2 community is looking to boycott future premium Warbonds to protest the “unethical” nerfs that have been making Primary weapons less viable.

Ever since release, Helldivers 2 has had an issue with nerfs that the players feel take away from the viability of using Primary weapons.

Players have felt that the devs reduce the damage for weapons as soon as they become the popular choice among everyone. This has led to many people feeling like the Primaries in the game are becoming irrelevant when compared to the rest.

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Now, after a recent nerf to the Eruptor saw its damage decrease, the Helldivers 2 community feels like they have no choice but to boycott the future Warbonds in the game as a way to protest.

The main issue fans are bringing up is that they don’t want to work towards unlocking something that is only going to be nerfed in the near future. On the subreddit, a user expresses this when they ask: “Why pay for warbonds when they guns get nerfed into something you will likely never use again because of how bad it is?”

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helldivers 2 eruptor nerfSony
The Eruptor was the last straw for fans in Helldivers 2’s nerf issue.

Others are quick to agree with this sentiment, with one player pointing out that this system is ruining a sense of progression for them. Whenever they feel like they’re working towards getting that new weapon to help strengthen their forces, it’s nerfed.

Many fans are also frustrated with the newest handful of weapons getting hit with reductions, as the last Warbond was all about explosive, hard-hitting weaponry.

One Helldivers 2 player says, “Then they nerfed the crossbow, then they nerfed the Eruptor, so my last warbond is a paperweight of a grenade pistol I never really use.”

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This is leading many of them to boycott the Warbonds in the future because they just don’t want to deal with the nerfs anymore.

Many people claim there just isn’t a point in grinding out the new weapons when what they do best will likely be removed.

Plus, given that Warbonds fuel Helldivers 2’s microtransactions, losing that revenue could get the devs’ attention.

Boycotts would certainly turn some heads, even more, as the game is just coming off of a massive review bombing campaign from the community after it was announced a PSN account would be required for those playing on Steam.

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That campaign worked, with Sony reversing course on the decision, so the Helldivers 2 fanbase is surely feeling like they have the ability to affect change.

What that change will be, or if it will happen at all, remains to be seen. For now, the players will have to wait and see if the devs have any response to their problems.