Helldivers 2 patch 1.000.10 notes: Server fixes, defense mission changes & more

Helldivers 2 Melee WeaponsArrowhead Game Studios

Helldivers 2’s getting a small yet meaningful patch, one that lays the groundwork for more server capacity, makes existing servers function better, and changes the game’s most irritating defense mission type.

Helldivers 2‘s launch has been massive. Maybe a little too massive according to players stuck in lengthy server login queues. The game’s been buckling beneath the weight of its own popularity, but devs are working toward addressing these problems.

Patch 1.000.10 doesn’t have too many changes on paper, but the changes they have made in this patch fix some of players’ biggest problems when it comes to connection, multiplayer matchmaking, and the “extract civilian” defense mission type.

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Here are the full Helldivers 2 patch 1.000.10 notes, as well as some issues devs are aware of and plan to fix in the near future:

Helldivers 2 patch 1.000.10 full notes:

Changes coming this patch

  • Fixed crash when replicating ragdoll momentum.
  • Fixed crash when replicating destructions.
  • Fixed crash when displaying the mission end rewards.
  • Resolved a 100% block issue for quickplay matchmaking on PC.
  • Tuned extract civilian mission difficulty.
    • (Note: It isn’t yet clear what the devs have actually changed about this mission type, but, considering they’re one of the least played mission types due to how difficult they can be to pull off, it’s safe to assume they made it easier in some ways.)
  • Improved the way that we handle platform authentication to avoid things like the black screen issue at startup.
  • Improvements to our client > backend communication for better backend performance.
  • Implemented an automatic retry mechanism to quickplay.
  • Added proper login error message for error “10002038.”

Additionally, the CEO of Helldivers 2 dev studio Arrowhead claimed that this patch laid the groundwork for yet again increasing their server load. Along with the aforementioned backend communication fixes, they’re going to make it so more players can connect at the same time.

Issues Helldivers 2’s devs are aware of

There’s a small sub section beneath the patch notes that indicates what problems the developers are looking into for patches in the near future. Here’s the full list:

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  • Login rate limiting when many are logging in at the same time.
  • Players can become disconnected during play.
  • Rewards and other progress may be delayed or not attributed.
  • Various UI issues may appear when the game interacts with servers.
  • Pick-up of certain objects in-game may cause characters to freeze in place for an extended period of time.
  • Other unknown behaviors may occur.
  • Japanese VO is missing from intro cutscene and Ship TV.
  • Armor values for light/medium/heavy armor do not currently function as intended.