Helldivers 2 High Command blames meme for Major Order failure

Helldivers 2 Major Order FailureTacoNightShennanigans | YouTube

Helldivers 2 players just ate a major setback in the current Major Order and High Command had some choice words for ‘Creekers’.

Helldivers 2 players have long maligned the meme status of Malevelon Creek and its impact on the conjoined effort that the game promotes. The currently running Major Order has fallen victim to the Creek once more and the evidence looks incontrovertible.

Over on the Helldivers 2 Discord, High Command (Arrowhead) has detailed the latest turn of the tide in the Galactic War. Following a twist from Game Master Joel that forced players to choose between defending Draupnir or liberating Ubnea, a moment of indecision and some stuck-in-their-ways Helldivers have pushed the primary goal of the latest Major Order further out of reach.

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High Command explained that those warring on Ubnea “could not sway enough Helldivers from other fronts to gain an advantage over the Automaton assault”. Those other fronts being the Terminid-controlled planets in the galactic east, and the ever-popular Malevelon Creek.

Taking a look at the game’s back end, Helldivers 2’s High Command revealed that if the 35% of players battling bugs in the east had lent a hand on the bot front, Ubnea would be ours.

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You’ll likely have heard of the Malevelon Creek veteran who’s never killed a single bug and you’d think that would be handy given the planet is a part of the current objective. Unfortunately, the “average of 25% of players” that refuse to leave the Creek would have been more useful in the liberation of Ubnea.

While blame is dealt to Helldivers on the Termanid front and the Malevelon Creek faithful, players blame Arrowhead themselves. The invisible supply line mechanic that opens the way to certain planets when others are liberated is being criticized for its lack of clarity.

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The fact that the information discussed in this Discord post is not offered to the wider player base is also a point of contention. “Why is this only present on the discord server?” one Helldiver asked. “I want to know this in-game, not in a minority section of social media.”

A screenshot from the game Helldivers 2Arrowhead
Do your part by killing an Automaton or 1,000 today.

Regardless of who’s to blame for this latest stumble, the Major Order isn’t lost just yet.

According to High Command, there’s still a chance to succeed if Draupnir and Ubnea are retaken quickly. That is, if enough Helldivers see this information and take action.

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