Helldivers 2 has a single “Game Master” controlling the battle for the galaxy

Helldivers 2 The IlluminateArrowhead Game Studios

Helldivers 2’s lead developer revealed that they have a “Game Master” dedicated to shaping its story. A lone employee named Joel is carefully curating a galactic war.

Being a Helldivers 2 player is a rollercoaster of emotions. In the same 24-hour period, we lost the hard-fought battle for Malevalon Creek and saw some exciting leaks showing off Mech combat.

The various ups and downs of waging war against Automatons and Termanids are enough to make any Helldiver feel alone in the cosmos. You couldn’t be more wrong. As astute content creator Mischief puts it, “God is real and his name is Joel”.

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In an interview with PC Gamer, Arrowhead CEO Johan Pilestadt gave some intriguing insights into how the developer runs Helldivers 2. Chief among them is the revelation of a single mastermind named Joel who functions as a sort of intergalactic Dungeon Master.

helldivers 2 chargersArrowhead Game Studios
So Joel is behind the ridiculously high AC of Chargers?

In the interview, Pilestedt acknowledged the burgeoning meta-narrative being driven by the participation of players through roleplay, memes, and social media. What’s even more impressive is that the team behind Helldivers 2 expected this and wanted to model the game off of the interactive and collaborative narrative style of Dungeons & Dragons.

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“We have an actual person with the job title of Game Master,” Pilestedt explained in reference to this mysterious Joel figure. “We have a lot of systems built into the game where the Game Master has a lot of control over the play experience. It’s something that we’re continuously evolving based on what’s happening in the game.”

This ranges from things like reinforcing enemies when players are having too easy a time to crafting on-the-fly narrative events in response to player action. It’s not just player action but also player perspective that Arrowhead is considering now. The saga of Malevalon Creek was a wake-up call for the team regarding the game’s environments.

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“We look at the individual planets as ‘There was a planet that we made, that was good fun,’ and we have made so many of them. But the community’s attachment to each planet is significant … So one of the things we’re looking at internally is how can we reconsider these planets to become more of a character going forward.”

helldivers 2 tribute to fallen fanArrowhead Game Studios
We’re all working together to tell the greatest story ever told.

It’s an exciting prospect to consider how Helldivers 2 will continue to grow and how its narrative will evolve over time as Arrowhead perfects this formula.

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Though knowledge of Joel’s vast powers has us concerned that the fall of Malevalon Creek was an inside job.