Helldivers 2 Game Master Joel instantly becomes revered by players

Helldivers 2 factionSony

Game Master Joel has instantly become an icon in the Helldivers 2 community, and some players love him, while others hate him.

Helldivers 2 players have been on a mission to scourge space from tyrannical forces like the Automatons and the Terminids, and have been successful as over 450,000 soldiers have joined the battle so far (putting the game near the top in terms of Steam Top Sellers).

One place that has proven a thorn in the soldiers’ sides to liberate is the jungle-filled planet known as Malevelon Creek.

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Players thought that they had accomplished the near-impossible task of liberating Malevelon Creek, and were celebrating their victory when all of a sudden a horde of Automatons surged over the planet overnight, infesting it again.

The evil mastermind behind the Helldivers 2 enemies’ cunning tactics? A game master by the name of Joel.

Helldivers 2 brand Joel as public enemy number 1

Arrowhead CEO: Johan Pilestedt explained in an interview with PC Gamer that instead of an automated system directing the evil forces in Helldivers 2, it is actually a Game Master called Joel.

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Joel instantly became an iconic and feared character in the Helldivers 2 community, as players suddenly had a figure to pin their frustration on, producing some hilarious memes.

F**king Joel. It’s all his fault,” joked one player after Malevelon Creek was lost. “F**king Joel gave me 3 GODDAMN ENEMY ARTILLERY BASES TO CLEAR!” Complained another player.

But, while some players have found it hilarious having a Game Master to pin their struggles on, others have found it frustrating and stated that everyone talking about the Game Master has completely ruined the immersion for them:

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“Joel this Joel that breaks immersion. These past days it’s not about galactic war anymore, it’s all about what Joel and the devs are doing,” they said.

Still, even if you love or hate the fact that you have a developer orchestrating the other side of the Galactic War, you have to admit that they are doing a great job at it.