Helldivers 2 players demand simple friendly fire change to address griefing

helldivers friendly fireSony

Helldivers 2 players want a simple friendly fire change to get rid of the griefing problem during extraction.

Not unlike countless other multiplayer games, Helldivers 2 has a griefing problem with some players purposefully ruining the fun for others.

Because the game permits friendly fire, griefers will join up with randoms and kill off their teammates for no real rhyme or reason.

As such, while the community continues to debate the necessity of the friendly fire feature, many players agree devs should turn it off during the extraction sequence.

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Helldivers 2 users can’t turn off friendly fire but demand a change

While friendly fire can’t be disabled at any point in the game, players don’t think the feature should remain active throughout extraction on the Pelican VTOL.

A Reddit user expressed as much in a recent post complaining about extraction griefers. The player said someone in their lobby recently killed two-thirds of the team on the plane because they didn’t “give a f**k.” Unfortunately, for the Redditor, they were unable to kick the griefer out.

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“There’s no logical reason why you should be allowed to shoot someone who’s already on the ship, except to allow griefers another avenue to ruin people’s experience on the game,” the Helldivers 2 player added.


Helldivers 2 fans responding to the thread agreed that friendly fire and the Pelican shouldn’t mix. Wrote one user, “I honestly see no value in having friendly fire inside Pelican.”

Another person argued the point further, adding, “There should be no damage, period. The instant you lose control of your character and the scripted ‘sit down’ animation starts, you should be totally invulnerable.”

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Someone else offered another suggestion, saying the feature’s specialized removal should include an in-universe explanation. They wrote, “There should be a shimmering ‘Dune’-like shield at the entrance, soldiers allowed, projectiles repelled.”

It’s not known if Arrowhead will address this feedback in a future update.