Helldivers 2 dev explains divisive Railgun nerfs in first balance patch

Helldivers 2 balance changesArrowhead Game Studios

Helldivers 2 players are in the grips of a meta-altering post-patch period as devs defend the recent weapon nerfs.

Helldivers 2 just received its first major balance patch that also threw in some new mechanics including hazardous weather conditions. After asking for a buff to the game’s most “fun” weapon, players’ prayers were answered with a substantial improvement to the Flamethrower.

It’s not all sunshine and rainbows for beleaguered Helldivers, however. A nerf to the popular Railgun has seen some pushback from players who love nothing more than shredding enemy armor with the meta darling.

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Responding to the newly emerging discourse surrounding the patch, Helldivers 2’s Head of Product Testing Patrik Lasota has given some justification for the recent changes. In a blog post for Arrowhead, they elaborated on the decision-making.

Helldivers LMGArrowhead Game Studios
Come on guys, can’t you just make a machine gun that fires Eagle strikes?

“I have, since the game released, seen many who say “Don’t Nerf, only Buff” and other similar ideas. However as a designer, I can tell you this is not a great idea, but I understand where the sentiment comes from,” Lasota explained. “All too often in the games industry the core fantasy, and what makes a weapon feel good and fun, is ignored for the sake of Balance.”

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“I believe players are scared of Nerfs, because it will ruin the fantasy of a weapon, ruin their fun,” Lasota continued. “It is extra important to us to tread carefully so that we don’t ruin fantasy and fun when we do nerfs.”

According to Arrowhead, the goal of the Helldivers 2 team is “to give you a wide range of weapon choices, where each gun has its purpose and none is strictly better than another”. Seeing the emergence of “must-carry” weapons and YouTube videos calling the Railgun ‘the best weapon in the game’ was cause for alarm.

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“It was vastly over-performing in how safe it was to use and how convenient it was, not requiring a backpack or assistance to be effective, and not requiring risk to take out even larger armored targets,” Lasota said. Buffing other weapons to this point seems antithetical to what makes the struggle for the galaxy so fun in Helldivers 2

helldivers 2 flamethrowerArrowhead Game Studios
On the plus side, the Flamethrower is now a charger-destroying god.

“It is extra important to us to tread carefully so that we don’t ruin fantasy and fun when we do nerfs,” Lasota qualified. “We hope you, our players, will tell us when we cross that line inadvertently.”

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As for whether or not a line has already been crossed is currently unclear but it is good to know that the team is receptive to critique. Given how fresh this recent patch is, it’s probably a little early for panic.