Helldivers 2 Democratic Detonation Warbond Booster is a must-buy

Helldivers 2 Democratic Detonation boosterArrowhead Game Studios

The Helldivers 2 Democratic Detonation Warbond has landed and there’s one Booster all soldiers need to grab as soon as possible – the Expert Extraction Pilot.

Helldivers 2 Warbonds are a perfect way to grab new weapons, armor, poses, and Boosters, but they have to be worth the 1,000 Super Credits players have to pay.

While each Warbond undoubtedly has its own perks, one key Booster has instantly stood out from the crowd in the Democratic Detonation set – the Expert Extraction Pilot Booster.

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Helldivers 2 boosterArrowhead Game Studios

Hiding down on Page Two and costing 55 Medals, the Expert Extraction Pilot Booster “lowers the time it takes for the extraction shuttle to reach the extraction beacon” meaning that those players fighting for their lives after completing the mission will be able to have a saving grace a little sooner than before.

Given the notion that players can each select their own Booster and the whole team benefits from the bonus, it’s highly recommended that one Helldiver grabs the Democratic Detonation Warbond and equips the Expert Extraction Pilot Booster before every mission. After all, while it won’t protect the team during the new defense missions, it’s almost guaranteed to save lives at the end of the adventure.

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Such a powerful Booster could be a game changer for many players, and it’s one of those items any Soldier needs in their setup, whether they’re looking to take down the Terminids or the Automatons, or just to complete the next Major Order or Personal mission.