Forget Terminids or Automatons – lights are the real enemy of Helldivers 2

Helldivers 2 lightingArrowhead Game Studios

Terminids and Automatons are tough enemies to battle in Helldivers 2, but as many players have found out, they’re not always the hardest parts of the game. In some situations, lighting is the real enemy.

On the Battlefield, the Helldiver’s lighting is there to provide its soldiers with the ability to see codes, approach enemies, or the samples lying right next to them – but at the moment, it’s blinding some Helldivers 2 players, causing certain terminals, Hellbombs, and battles to be nearly impossible. In fact, it’s gotten so bad, that many fans are now calling the lights the third enemy faction of the game.

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Any soldier that’s descended onto recent Helldivers 2 planets will have met this issue, and some are now taking to the Helldivers 2 Reddit to share their frustrations and amusement at the devastation caused by lighting.

One user shared their attempt to use a terminal during a mission, showing how the lighting has completely ruined the visibility on the code.

Naturally, others shared the same frustrated sentiment, with many explaining that “it drives me nuts” while also adding that “at the same time it’s some of the most realistic lighting effects I’ve ever seen in a game.”

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Others were quick to joke that Helldivers 2 “has got to be one of the only games where the lights consistently reduce your ability to see instead of helping.”

It’s important to note, that you can shoot out the lights if they’re beginning to blind you, and they don’t shoot back or spew bile at you either, making them one of the easier enemies to dispatch.

Interestingly, one player shared a useful tactic to help beat two enemies at once: “Shooting out the lights also helps if you’re trying to get in and out of a place without alerting enemies. I’ve done entire missions with the only shots I fired being at lights and extraction.”

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Ultimately, one player summed up the community-wide sentiment perfectly: “We’re fighting a war on three fronts. The vile bugs. The soulless robots. And the blinding lamps.”