Kill your opponent in one turn with this Hearthstone Hunter combo

Blizzard- Hearthstone

Blizzard’s collectible card game Hearthstone, is all about putting together the most powerful combination of cards possible, and then hoping that you draw the right cards at the right time throughout each match.

In the five years following the initial release of Hearthstone, fans have been treated to meta’s that implore the stacking of armor, seasons that rewarded those with weapon-heavy decks, and so on and so forth.

After the release of the latest expansion, ‘Saviors of Uldum,’ some crafty fans have put together truly ridiculous decks and this crazy combination might just take the cake as the best one yet.

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In a September 28 post on Reddit, user ‘kirkebyen’ showcased a brand new Hunter deck that’s capable of wiping out an enemy in just a single turn.

Featuring the Desert Obelisk card as well as the Carnivorous Cube, the intent with this one-turn-kill deck is to duplicate essentially a full board of Obelisks and deal an absurd amount of damage in one go, ala Ragnaros. 

Utilizing the Carnivorous Cube card to multiply the Obelisks, the Play Dead Hunter spell then allows you to proc the deathrattle, releasing two Obelisks just like that.

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Rinsing and repeating until the board is all but full, the final piece of this puzzle is the Drakkari Enchanter card which ensures that all end of turn effects are triggered twice. As the five damage dealt from each Obelisk is released at the end of a turn, it is now doubled thanks to the Enchanter.

In one swift motion, each of the six Obelisks deals its damage and before the enemy even has a chance to react or counter the insane effects on the board, the game is over.

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This deck is a surefire way to rapidly end your games, so long as you’re able to draw the right combination of powerful cards when needed. Also of note, while this particular clip shows four mana remaining after the combination was put in motion, keep in mind that cards had been reduced in cost, likely due to Emperor Thaurissan.

Blizzard - HearthstoneThe Saviors of Uldum expansion released on August 6.

There’s never a short supply of ingenious creations and this Hunter deck might just be worth testing out for yourself the next time you sign in.

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Recently Hearthstone has seen crazy concoctions that enable players to gain essentially infinite armor in a single turn, as well as a way to dramatically extend the duration of your turn.