Halo Infinite players blast 343 for “ridiculous” matchmaking system

Halo Infinite gunfight343 Industries

Halo Infinite players are upset at 343 Industries for the game’s “ridiculous” matchmaking system that is ‘penalizing’ wins.

Ever since the game’s multiplayer release on November 15, players have had a number of playlists to enjoy. Although very few at the start, sparking much criticism from fans that led to eventual changes and additions, one playlist that was beloved from the start was its ranked system.

This system allowed for the franchise’s players to queue up into a more competitive environment, test their skills and climb through the ranks.

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At first, this is what any Halo fan could dream of. A competitive game at heart having an even more competitive setting, add an overhaul to its Halo 5 iteration and players will be looking to hit Onyx rank from the get-go.

Halo Infinite player with Energy Sword343 Industries
Halo Infinite’s ranked playlist releasing on launch was greatly appreciated by fans.

Even though this ladder has been active for almost two months, some are starting to express their distaste for some of its flaws.

Halo Infinite players disgruntled over the CSR system

First brought up by Reddit user iCashMon3y on the competitive Halo subreddit, it seems like players are getting punished for winning games on the ranked playlist. The fan stated that “it’s honestly ridiculous that you can have an 83% winrate for a night and go down in elo.”

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ICashMon3y explained that they ended up down eight elo “after winning 10 out of 12 games” in one play session and one of those losses was due to the game disconnecting them from the server, not “a full game crash.” Adding that they played with teammates of a similar rank level but had different results.

“I don’t understand how I wasn’t getting any ELO in our wins,” they said. “I was the best performer on the team 5 out of the 10 wins and I was getting 1 to 2 points per win. My one friend started the night at 1666 and ended at 1711 while I started at 1640 and ended [in] 1632.”

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The Reddit user hasn’t been the only one to be experiencing this problem either as other Halo fans in the thread talked about having similar experiences, “The same happened to me a month ago, I was onyx 1550 and got all the way to diamond 5 due to server issues and I’m stuck there but the stupid thing is that the game treats me full on onyx 1600,” said one.

“Yup. [The] similar struggle I have,” said another. [I] have some solid nights where the squad and I will go 12-2 or something else crazy high win percentage with one of those losses being from someone’s game crashing/DCing and usually end up breaking about even.

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With the game being out for almost two months and the ranked playlist being released with it, only time will tell if 343 will address this issue.