Dragon’s Dogma endings explained: Good, bad & secret ending

Beast in Dragon's Dogma 2Capcom

Dragon’s Dogma 2 has three different endings and some are a little harder to unlock than others. Here’s every ending in Dragon’s Dogma 2, how to unlock them, and what they mean.

Like most sprawling RPGs, Dragon’s Dogma 2 has three unlockable endings. The first, or standard ending is the one most people will see and while it’s a bit underwhelming, it can be considered the traditional “good ending”. There’s also another ending that’s considered bad, although, this depends on your point of view.

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However, there’s a third secret or true ending for those who are willing to go the extra mile. Below, we’ll reveal how to unlock all three endings in Dragon’s Dogma 2 and break down what each one means for the Arisen and the world the game takes place in. Naturally, there will be heavy spoilers from here on out.

An image of Dragon's Dogma 2 keyart.Capcom
Here are the three endings of Dragon’s Dogma.

The standard or good ending – Become Sovran

This is the ending most people will unlock in their first playthrough of Dragon’s Dogma 2. It involves the Arisen fulfilling their destiny by slaying the dragon and taking the throne – like so many Arisens have done before them across the multiverse.

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During the quest called Legacy, the Dragon will give the Arisen the option to fight them or will give you the chance to walk away. For this ending, choose to fight him and you’ll be joined by your Main Pawn and any other pawns you have in your party for the final battle.

Once the Dragon has been defeated, you’ll assume the throne, by walking over and interacting with it, and everyone will live happily ever after. It’s exactly what you’d expect to happen at the end of a game like this and those with a keen eye may notice that something doesn’t feel right. Everything feels rather by the numbers.

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After the happy scenes have concluded you’ll find yourself back at the title screen with the option of heading into New Game+ with all your gear and levels.

The bad ending – Walk away

For this ending, take the Dragon up on his offer to walk away. He’ll ask you again if you’re sure, but if you are, confirm your answer and walk away from your destiny.

Should the Arisen flee from the Dragon, they’ll still be crowned Sovran, but it’ll be a quiet somber affair, not the lavish celebration from the good ending.

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The credits will roll and you’ll find yourself back at the title screen. The good news is that the game will let you reload your save, this way you can still see the good or secret ending.

A fearsome dragon in Dragon's Dogma 2Capcom
The final confrontation with the Dragon can go several ways.

Secret or true ending in Dragon’s Dogma 2

For the secret or true ending in Dragon’s Dogma 2, you’ll need to have unlocked the Empowered Godsbane Blade from Ambrosius at the Forbidden Magick Research Lab in Batthal. To get it, you’ll need to have completed the Convergence quest and given him the Wyrmslife Crystals for the quest “A New Godsway.”

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With the blade in your possession, during the Legacy quest, agree to fight the Dragon and defeat him. Then during your coronation as Sovren, instead of taking the throne go and talk to The Pathfinder who’s sat at the table close to the throne.

He’ll allow you to go back in time and break the cycle of Dragon’s Dogma. You’ll once again find yourself back in front of the Dragon, accept his offer by attacking him, and you’ll find yourself riding the dragon once again.

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This time, select the Empowered Godsband Blade from your inventory and climb down to the Dragon’s heart, this will be highlighted by a glowing orange spot on the Dragon’s chest. Now use the sword to trigger a scene where the Arisen uses the sword on themselves and the Dragon, causing them both to fall from the sky and into the Brine.

From here, the Arisen will find themselves in a strange new area known as the Unmoored World. Your Main Pawn will be gone and you’ll need to slay various Dragons until a red mist engulfs the whole world and you reunite with your Main Pawn. From here, head to the Seafloor Shrine for the true final battle with the Dragon.

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The final battle will play out while the credits roll and when you bring out the Empowered Godsbane Blade your Main Pawn will morph into a shadowy dragon and will help you strike the final blow on the Dragon’s heart. This will kill it and end the dogma of the Dragon once and for all.

You’ll then find yourself at the title screen, ready to head into NG+. This can be considered the true ending of Dragon’s Dogma 2 and we’ll be interested to see if it becomes canon or has any implications on the future of the series.

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