Rockstar dev sparks GTA 6 rumors after sharing unannounced game he “loved” working on


As GTA fans ready for the return of Grand Theft Auto 5 on PS5 and Xbox Series X, a Rockstar developer has hinted at GTA 6 on Twitter.

Despite not even being officially announced, GTA 6 is already one of the most hyped video games of all time. With GTA V now over seven years old, players everywhere have been wondering when they can get their hands in the next installment.

Rumors, map leaks, and inside jokes by Rockstar aside, nothing is confirmed just yet, aside from the fact that a 2020 report claimed the next game in the series is in “early development.”

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Now, Rockstar Games Production Coordinator Eli Weeks has fans talking after he revealed four projects that he has “loved working on” as part of a Twitter trend.

The trend in question has people share four games or other projects they’ve enjoyed working on. In Weeks’ case, those games were God of War, Red Dead Redemption 2, World of Warcraft and another title he couldn’t discuss due to being under NDA.

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When asked by a follower about what it meant, Weeks explained it was “a contract that prevents us from talking about the project” but noted how he couldn’t “give much more info than that!”

Weeks’ LinkedIn profile states that since December 2020, he has been an Associate Production Coordinator on the Open World Events design team.

roclstar open world events staffLinkedIn
Eli Weeks works on Open World Events.

Open world events are a key part of games such as GTA, because they keep the immersion of living and driving within an actual city. As such, it’s easy to see why people would see that and think of Grand Theft Auto 6.

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Weeks’ tweet quickly spread on GTA 6 forums where users were quick to mock “NDA” as being a game of its own.

“I wanna play NDA!” joked one Redditor. “Rockstar is actually working on a whole new IP called NDA. Source: my daddy,” replied another.

It’s unlikely that we’ll hear anything official from Rockstar until GTA V debuts on next-gen consoles, but with its release date now set as November 11, 2021, hopefully we’ll learn something before the year is done.

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