How to fight back against GTA Online’s powerful MKII Oppressor

Rockstar Games

There aren’t many more annoying things in GTA Online than being chased down by someone on an MKII Oppressor. So, we’ve rounded up a few tips that could help save you from fuming with rage.

The majority of vehicles in GTA Online are pretty standard as you’ve got the cars, motorbikes, planes, and helicopters that you’d find in GTA V’s story mode. However, Rockstar Games have introduced some wacky creations.

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You’ve got the DeLorean-like Deluxo which can fly through the air, the Phantom Wedge with its huge nose that can bulldoze anything out of its way, and even the Scramjet. Yet, there is nothing quite like the MKII Oppressor. The flying motorbike is equipped with rockets and can really ruin your day.

Rockstar Games
The Oppressor is the most annoying vehicle to fight in GTA Online.

With players have been racking up more cash and finding themselves being able to afford the $3.8 million bike, they are a terribly frequent sight in Los Santos. Though, there are a few ways to counter them.

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Reddit user Hunterdog21 rounded up a few helpful tips, noting that if you’re on the ground, you can pluck the Oppressor users out of the sky. You just need either a Heavy Revolver MKII with hollow-point rounds or a Bullpup rifle with armor-piercing rounds.

Other Redditor’s noted that if you’ve got the cash to fight back, you can buy yourself a Nightshark and an Anti-Aircraft Trailer to really pack a punch. 

Screenshot via Reddit
A helpful tips could help you defeat the Oppressor players.

Though, if you want to turn the tide on the players using the MKII Oppressor without needing to fire a bullet, then there is a vehicle you need.

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The cab for the Mobile Operations Centre can withstand a barrage of the rockets, annoying the players that think they’ve got your dead to rights. You can simply let them waste their ammo and then go about with your day.

Now, obviously, there are other ways to go about fighting the MKII Oppressor players, but considering that they can fire rockets and zoom away at high speed, you probably don’t want to mess around with them.

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You might be able to pull off a lucky sniper shot but we’d recommend sticking to the upgraded ammo types and assault rifles.