GTA 5 Michael actor slammed for criticizing Red Dead Redemption 2’s Dutch

GTA 5's Michael with Dutch on RDR2 red backgroundRockstar Games

Grand Theft Auto 5’s Michael actor, Ned Luke, is facing backlash for criticizing the performance of Benjamin Byron Davis as Dutch in Red Dead Redemption 2.

GTA and RDR are Rockstar Games’ biggest franchises with meaty titles deserving of Game of the Year awards, but the harmony between the fandoms has been fractured by one of the game’s actors.

Ned Luke, who plays Michael De Santa in GTA V, was recently asked to explain why he “hates” Dutch, one of Red Dead Redemption 2’s main characters and revealed why.

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“Don’t like the character or the performance,” Luke said, instantly igniting a firestorm on social media.

GTA 5’s Michael under fire for RDR2 Dutch comments

Across X, fans began to rally against Ned Luke, saying that he was in the wrong for being so negative towards a fellow actor’s performance.

“Not liking Dutch as a character is fine but the performance? Straight up insulting to the actor that portrayed Dutch,” one baffled user said. “Ned Luke just keeps taking Ls recently.”

“This is one of the worst takes of all time. Criticizing the character is one thing but saying the actor’s performance is bad is next level crazy,” echoed GTA 6 content creator Detective.

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“Dutch is one of the best characters Rockstar has ever created, and Benjamin’s delivery is a great part of that achievement.”

YouTuber LegacyKillaHD also took issue with Ned’s remarks, saying how he personally prefers the performance of Dutch over that of Michael De Santa.

“Also really bizarre decision to make this trash disrespectful opinion public, especially of a fellow actor,” he added.

In response to the backlash, Ned Luke defended his statement and urged those upset with him to take a breather and relax.

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“Chill out people. I didn’t like it. Sorry. Was he a great character yeah prolly tremendous. But I don’t like it. I didn’t like Al Pacino in Scent of a Women and I didn’t like Dustin Hoffman in Rainman. But they won Oscars,” he reiterated. “Ben do what he was supposed to do I wasn’t enthralled.”

Luke further added that he has plenty of his own performances that he didn’t like as well and that his comments had “nothing to do with liking or disliking an actor.”

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In any case, the GTA 5 star doesn’t think that his performance or Benjamin Byron Davis’ when GTA 6 is finally released, because, according to Luke, it will “beat everything.”