Xbox chief Phil Spencer gives honest verdict on “exploitative” NFT games

Xbox and Phil SpencerXbox/Flickr: eVRydayVR

With the rise of blockchain technology and cryptocurrency, NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) have become huge in the online sphere — but Xbox boss Phil Spencer has given his honest thoughts on the rise of ‘NFT games.’

While NFTs are a new phenomenon, digital artwork stored and collected on a blockchain, they’re starting to leak more into everyday life.

For some time now, the idea of NFT games has been mentioned across the gaming space, though how exactly they would work and operate is still a question many players are curious about.

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When asked about NFT games, though, Xbox chief Phil Spencer didn’t rule them out entirely — though he doesn’t seem in love with the idea.

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In a conversation with Axios, the topic of NFT gaming projects came up, and Spencer admitted approaching the subject with caution.

He said: “What I’d say today on NFT, all up, is I think there’s a lot of speculation and experimentation that’s happening, and that some of the creative that I see today feels more exploitive than about entertainment.

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“I don’t think it necessitates that every NFT game is exploitive. I just think we’re kind of in that journey of people figuring it out.”

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While Spencer doesn’t draw a firm line against NFT gaming projects as a whole, he’s clearly very cautious of what exactly they entail.

“I think anything that we looked at in our storefront that we said is exploitive would be something that we would, you know, take action on,” he added. “We don’t want that kind of content.”

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NFT games are already in the work, however. According to insiders, former Halo and CoD devs are working on an NFT FPS game to release in 2023.

Whether Xbox becomes the home to any NFT games in the future remains to be seen but, for now, don’t expect them to jump into the space.