What FFXIV and Destiny 2 raids could learn from each other

The Gilded Asura and RoNSquare Enix/ Bungie

Destiny 2 and Final Fantasy XIV are both monoliths of their genre but even with their popularity, could take inspiration and learn from one another when it comes to their raids.

Final Fantasy XIV and Destiny 2 have some of the best raiding experiences in all of gaming. From complex and interesting mechanics to fantastical and awe-inspiring set pieces, both games truly ascend to the next level in their raid scenarios.

That’s not to say that the experiences offered in both games can’t be improved, however. The two games could take inspiration and learn from one another in a number of ways.

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With new risks and experiments with how content can be delivered across the ongoing titles, both of these beloved franchises could benefit from sharing key learnings, much to the delight of their player base.

What Destiny 2 could learn from FFXIV

Destiny 2’s raids are massive, spectacular marvels that basically saved the game back in Destiny 1. These 6 man activities are the pinnacle of late-game content, offering team-based encounters that generally require near-flawless coordination and cooperation from the fireteam to complete, at least on Day 1.

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Though one of Destiny 2’s biggest downfalls in its raids is the simplicity of its encounters. Often raids in Destiny have similar mechanics to previous ones, farm X of Y, dunk A of B etc. By far the most interesting encounters like the Vault in Last Wish require more thinking and problem-solving from the players.

Because of this, many end up with the same tools just in different situations, which leaves problem-solving being as basic as: Where do I put this thing I picked up?

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King's Fall in Destiny 2Bungie
King’s Fall had some of the simplest mechanics, even in its reissued state in Destiny 2.

Final Fantasy XIV has a robust and more intricate form of mechanics thanks to its ability to put multiple buffs and debuffs on a player at a time. These can include anything from tethers, stacks, spreads, and much more, which combined, provide a far more complex raid experience.

If Destiny 2 is to take inspiration in this regard, it could put more pressure on individual Guardians in key situations, lending to a more heart-pounding raid experience.

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What FFXIV could learn from Destiny 2

On the other hand, while Final Fantasy XIV has a ridiculously robust and complex raiding scene with ultimates and savages, the game has started to feel a bit predictable of late.

When you load into a raid in Final Fantasy XIV, you’ll likely come across a boss arena with a singular boss in it. The fight will begin with a couple of auto attacks into a raid-wide or tank buster. All players will be located in the same arena, and the group will have to solve mechanics as a team, regardless of their role.

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Destiny 2 often has players move around the map to solve various puzzles and has individual mechanics that players need to fulfill to assist the team. Whether that be gathering a certain amount of motes in the Garden of Salvation or ascending the platforms in Kings Fall.

Final Fantasy XIV almost never splits up the party, aside from a couple of fights like E8 and A12, the entire group is together for the contest. On top of that, most of the mechanics don’t accentuate the role you play outside of tank busters.

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Pandaemonium 3 from FFXIVSquare Enix
P3S’ mechanics did a good job of emphasizing each and every role.

P3S is a good example of this being done well, where healers soaked towers that gave them a healing buff, which they needed to shield the party correctly. Having more mechanics or fights that were based on individual play would allow players to salvage the run with smart and quick thinking.

The FFXIV devs have said that they would be taking more risks in their encounter design in Dawntrail, so we may see some of these problems rectified when the new expansion comes around.

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