The Finals players point out critical flaw in Dead Go Boom event

The Finals Las VegasEmbark Studios

The Finals has multiple events that happen in-game to spice up the action when the timer winds down, however, players have found a flaw in one of them that causes frustration.

The Finals’ main game mode features a random in-game event that causes players to adapt their playstyle, or be taken out by a meteor. There are a total of seven events that occur during matches that create game-changing obstacles for players like meteors raining down or an alien invasion.

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The events usually occur in the second half of a match and heavily impact games going into overtime.

Each event has its own unique quirk, though none counter a certain playstyle or weapon to the point that players can’t impact the match. Except for Dead Go Boom, which some players claim has a critical flaw.

The Final Dead Go Boom flaw

On Reddit, a Finals player called the event “impractical.” They outlined how the Dead Go Boom event forces melee players to switch to ranged weapons.

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“I understand its haha funny boom dead person, other modifiers have counter play, adaptability and offer challenge. But not to the point you’re forced to swap your weapon,” the poster said.

Other players chimed in, saying they agreed that the event could use some changes and that it impacts more than just players who use melee weapons.

“It should do more arena damage and less player damage. Winning a gunfight with any of the melee or shotguns or indoors results in you dying or being weak enough to not survive the next team running in. Bad modifier,” another Reddit user said.

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The events in The Finals aren’t necessarily supposed to be balanced toward player enjoyment, as they’re meant to interject chaos late in matches. However, if an event is so flawed that it caused players to play passively at a critical time in the match, it might need changing.