The Finals player creates “nuclear bomb” that decimates everything near it

A screenshot from the game The FinalsEmbark Studios

A player in The Finals has shared a video of them improvising an explosive that leaves destruction in its wake. 

The Finals has been building its audience since its launch alongside The Game Awards last week. The first-person shooter has been making waves in a crowded space through its eye-catching visuals and unparalleled player agency. 

That comes largely from the game’s server-side destructibility that allows players to tear apart buildings and objectives throughout the world of The Finals. If you can’t get to a cashpoint to bank your winnings, why not drop a few floors to bring it to you? It’s a unique mechanic that allows players to think outside the box in a way that other shooters don’t. 

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That also extends to explosives around the map. The game’s physics engine lets you come up with some very silly ways to use these with your gadgets. One player took it to the extreme though to make an explosive even more… explosivier.

At some point, you have to ask if it’s too much

In a video shared to Reddit, user Lofus1989 shows themselves finding one of the red explosive canisters you find around the map and loading it up with gadgets. It’s clear their loadout has been built entirely around explosives because there’s nothing spared here. 

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From explosive mines to C4, they load up the barrel with six explosives before taking it out and throwing it at a player. It creates an almighty explosion as it launches causing destruction to nearby buildings. 

That said, it’s not entirely clear if it even kills the player, but still – it’s quite a spectacle and you have to applaud the effort. 

Of course, this may not be the smartest idea when it comes to trying to win the game. Gadgets are powerful tools to use in a fight, and you may want to use them more tactically in a given situation. That’s especially true as they have a long cooldown. That said, if you want to have some fun, this is certainly a worthy investment of resources.

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