Street Fighter 6 devs confirm highly requested online features will return

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Street Fighter 6 development team members have confirmed the game will include two highly requested online features for the brand new Battle Hub mode: rollback netcode and crossplay.

Many fighting game fans know that one of the most important features in modern-day fighters is a strong netcode for online play.

With Street Fighter 6 coming sometime next year, players are wondering how Capcom will improve the game’s new online Battle Hub mode.

Now, members of the Street Fighter 6 development team have confirmed the game will include both rollback netcode and crossplay after launch.

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Street Fighter 6 will have rollback netcode and crossplay

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Street Fighter 6 will feature an all-new Battle Hub mode that expands many features related to online play.

The confirmation comes by way of reliable sources attending Summer Game Fest’s in-person event, which is demoing Street Fighter 6 to attendees.

Fighting game Content Creator Maximillian Dood confirmed “from the devs directly” that Street Fighter 6 will have crossplay, while GameSpot’s Tamoor Hussain confirmed the game “uses rollback netcode. Lots of people are asking.”

For those who may not know, in simple terms, rollback netcode is a system that attempts to predict the actions opponents may take during online play to help combat excessive latency.

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Though many modern fighting games like Street Fighter 5 have adopted rollback netcode, other massively popular fighters like Super Smash Bros. Ultimate have neglected to incorporate it, much to fans’ disappointment.

Additionally, IGN’s Mitchell Saltzman confirmed these details directly with Street Fighter 6’s Director Takayuki Nakayama who said “As you know, Street Fighter 5 also had rollback netcode, but in terms of Street Fighter 6, it will have rollback netcode but it will not be the same as what we had in SF5, and this is something that we’re building from scratch.”

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It seems that Nayaka is taking online connection issues seriously, stressing that “There’s a lot of effort being put into the development of the netcode… We’re involving the battle team to participate in that development to ensure that the experience is seamless and that it actually feels good.”

This is great news for fans looking to train competitively with other players via online play, as it will only make latency issues less noticeable.

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While online play will likely never achieve the same responsive feeling of playing directly next to someone on the same system, it seems Capcom is dedicated to making Street Fighter 6’s netcode as strong as it can be.