Sonic Frontiers confusion cleared up by SEGA with explainer video to break it down

sonic running in sonic frontiersSEGA

It’s been a rocky few months for Sonic Frontiers as fans have struggled to understand the game’s concept and story, but a new overview trailer looks to put all that confusion to bed.

The first proper exposure to Sonic Frontiers was an extended gameplay video of Sonic racing around a seemingly foreign land with little explanation as to why, what he was doing, and how he got there.

True, you could piece together multiple previews and gameplay tidbits to work it out, but it’s fair to say that SEGA didn’t exactly make the vision of the game abundantly clear for a while.

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The team seems to have embraced some of the ambiguity surrounding the upcoming, open-world Sonic game as a new 3-minute video wraps everything up in one concise package.

SEGA’s Sonic Frontiers makes a lot more sense now

Despite being unofficially unveiled in May 2021 during the game’s 35th-anniversary livestream, Sonic Frontiers didn’t get any proper gameplay footage until June 2022.

The footage was spectacular, but fans considered its direction to be a bit misguided and confused as it didn’t really give away too much about the game’s concept, and it actually took a while for proper story videos to divulge much-needed information.

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However, the new ‘Overview’ trailer makes amends and explains that Sonic’s journey to Starfall Islands to retrieve Chaos Emeralds has been disrupted by malignant forces that send Sonic to a place called the ‘Cyber Space.’

Eventually, SEGA’s adorable blue mascot makes his way to Kronos, part of Starfall Islands, and needs to explore the lands to find his best friends and solve the mystery of the location.

One thing that doesn’t need explaining is the vastness of the game’s open-world design and how it’s unlike anything seen in a Sonic game before.

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It retains the classic Sonic platforming that the franchise has become famous for, as well as giving players plenty of opportunities to go fast.

Sonic fans will be relieved to have a clearer picture of the game, so now we’ll have to wait and see if the game’s November 8, 2022, release date is worth the wait and if this new direction is a swift success.