Simple Apex Legends Horizon trick makes Gibraltar & Bangalore ultimates useless

Horizon in Apex LegendsRespawn Entertainment

Bunkering down away from a Gibraltar or Bangalore ult in Apex Legends? Why not rise above it? Well, that’s what players are doing now, with this simple Horizon trick making it easy to avoid getting hit by both artillery drops.

Gibraltar and Bangalore’s ultimates in Apex Legends are some of the best in the game. They can lock down areas, raining hell from above and making it almost impossible to fight back through the damage and the stuns.

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You can shelter inside, or drop a Gibby bubble of your own, but what if you wanted to fight back? Well, that’s where Horizon comes in for this nifty trick.

Horizon in Apex LegendsRespawn Entertainment
If you’re a Horizon main, you’d want this Apex Legends trick under your belt.

Reddit user ‘Jagaleksandr’ showed off the trick, and how it can save your team in a pinch. Just by throwing down your Tactical ability, Gravity Lift, you can rise above the airstrikes and avoid all damage. You won’t even get shell-shocked.

After both Gibraltar and Bangalore’s ults finish, you can then drop back down to the ground. With a cheeky reposition, you can easily catch your enemies off-guard.

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There is one drawback against the Horizon ultimate trick though ⁠— you won’t be able to strafe while in the air against Gibraltar. If you do so, you might be caught by a stray rocket.

This can make you a sitting duck in mid-air, but given the chaos thrown down, you should be able to get through scott-free. You might even be able to fire back, using the extra height to your advantage.

The trick might not be the most effective in isolated situations, but in the chaos of a final circle, with multiple squads fighting, this simple trick could be the difference between being crowned champion, or seeing the “Game Over” screen.

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Horizon is already one of the best characters in Apex Legends, but this trick definitely separates her from the rest in late-game fights.