Satisfactory Tiers guide: Materials, rewards & best Milestones to unlock

Satisfactory factoryCoffee Stain Studios

Once you complete the tutorial for Satisfactory, you’ll be thrown into the daunting task of completing all Tiers and their respective Milestones.

After choosing the best starting location and creating a decent base layout, you’ll need to look towards the Milestones and Tiers to unlock more items and builds so you can eventually complete your Space Elevator.

Each Tier has a few Milestones to complete which have material costs, but the rewards are worth it. We’ll list out all the Tiers, how much they cost, what their rewards are, and which Milestones are best to unlock first in Satisfactory.

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All Milestone and Tier costs and rewards

Satisfactory milestoneDexerto

In total, there are nine Tiers including Tier 0, which is the Onboarding process. This is essentially Satisfactory’s tutorial, but it still has its own costs and rewards for new players.

Let’s dive into each Tier and its many Milestones:

Tier 0 – Onboarding Milestones

HUB Upgrade 1x10 Iron Rod– Equipment Workshop– Portable Miner– +3 Inventory slots– Personal Storage Box HUB upgrade
HUB Upgrade 2x20 Iron Rodx10 Iron Plate– Smelter– Power Line– Copper Ingot recipe– Wire recipe– Cable recipe– Copper Ore Scanner– Biomass Burner HUB upgrade
HUB Upgrade 3x20 Iron Rodx20 Iron Platex20 Wire– Constructor– Power Pole– Concrete recipe– Screw recipeReinforced Iron Plate recipe, Limestone scanner
HUB Upgrade 4x75 Iron Platex20 Cablex10 Concrete– Conveyor Pole– Conveyor Belt– +3 Inventory slots
HUB Upgrade 5x75 Iron Rodx50 Cablex20 Concrete– Miner Mk.1– Storage Container– +3 Inventory slots– Second Biomass Burner HUB upgrade
HUB Upgrade 6x100 Iron Rodx100 Iron Platex100 Wirex50 Concrete– Space Elevator– Biomass Burner– Biomass recipe– FICSIT Freighter HUB upgrade

Tier 1 Milestones

Base Buildingx200 Concretex100 Iron Platex100 Iron Rod– Lookout Tower– Foundations (8mx1m, 8mx2m, 8mx4m)– Ramps (8mx1m, 8mx2m, 8mx4m)– Wall (8mx4m)
Logisticsx150 Iron Platex150 Iron Rodx300 Wire– Conveyor Splitter– Conveyor Merger– Conveyor Lift– Productivity Display
Field Researchx300 Wirex300 Screwx100 Iron Plate– MAM– Personal Storage Box– Object Scanner– Beacon– Map– +3 Inventory slots– +1 Hand slot

Tier 2 Milestones

Part Assemblyx200 Cablex200 Iron Rodx500 Screwx300 Iron Plate– AssemblerCopper Sheet recipe– Rotor recipe– Modular Frame recipeSmart Plating recipe
Obstacle Clearingx500 Screwx100 Cablex100 Concrete– Solid Biofuel recipe– Chainsaw– +3 Inventory slots
Jump Padsx50 Rotorx300 Iron Platex150 Cable– Jump Pad– U-Jelly Landing Pad
Resource Sink Bonus Programx400 Concretex500 Wirex200 Iron Rodx200 Iron Plate– AWESOME Sink– AWESOME Shop– Color Cartridge recipe
Logistics Mk.2x50 Reinforced Iron Platex200 Concretex300 Iron Rodx300 Iron Plate– Conveyor Belt Mk.2– Stackable Conveyor Pole– Conveyor Lift Mk.2

Tier 3 Milestones

Requirement: Complete Phase 1 of Space Elevator.

Coal Powerx150 Reinforced Iron Platex50 Rotorx300 Cable-Coal Generator– Water Extractor– Pipeline– Pipeline Support– Pipeline Junction Cross– Pipeline Pump– Fluid Buffer– Coal Scanner
Vehicular Transportx25 Modular Framex100 Rotorx200 Cablex400 Iron Rod– Truck Station– Tractor– +3 Inventory slots
Basic Steel Productionx50 Modular Framex150 Rotorx300 Concretex1,000 Wire– Foundry– Steel Ingot recipe– Steel Beam recipe– Steal Pipe recipe– Versatile Framework recipe
Improved Melee Combatx100 Reinforced Iron Platex200 Cablex1,500 Wire– Xeno-Basher– +1 Hand slot– +3 Inventory slots

Tier 4 Milestones

Advanced Steel Productionx200 Steel Pipex200 Rotorx1,500 Wirex300 Concrete– Miner Mk.2– Encased Industrial Beam recipe– Stator recipe– Motor recipe– Automated Wiring recipe– Heavy Modular Frame recipe
Hypertubesx300 Copper Sheetx300 Steel Pipex50 Encased Industrial Beam– Hypertube Entrance– Hypertube– Hypertube Support– Stackable Hypertube Support
Logistics Mk.3x200 Steel Beamx100 Steel Pipex500 Concrete– Power Storage– Industrial Storage Container– Conveyor Belt Mk.3– Conveyor Lift Mk.3– Stackable Pipeline Support
FICSIT Blueprintsx100 Modular Framex200 Steel Beamx500 Cablex1,000 Concrete– Blueprint Designer– Build Gun– Blueprints

Tier 5 Milestones

Requirement: Complete Phase 2 of Space Elevator.

Oil Processingx50 Motorx100 Encased Industrial Beamx500 Steel Pipex500 Copper Sheet– Oil Extractor– Refinery– Valve– Plastic recipe– Rubber recipe– Fuel recipe– Petroleum Coke recipe– Circuit Board recipe– Crude Oil scanner
Industrial Manufacturingx100 Motorx200 Plasticx200 Rubberx1,000 Cable– Manufacturer– Computer recipe– Modular Engine recipe– Adaptive Control Unit recipe– Truck
Alternative Fluid Transportx25 Heavy Modular Framex100 Motorx200 Plasticx3,000 Wire– Packager– Industrial Buffer– Empty Canister recipe– Packaged Water recipe– Packaged Oil recipe– Packaged Fuel recipe– Packaged Heavy Oil Residue recipe– Packaged Liquid Biofuel recipe– Liquid Biofuel recipe.
Gas Maskx200 Rubberx100 Plasticx50 Fabric– Gas Mask– Gas Filter– +3 Inventory slots

Tier 6 Milestones

Logistics Mk.4x50 Heavy Modular Framex100 Computerx200 Encased Industrial Beamx400 Rubber– Fuel Generator– Conveyor Belt Mk.4– Conveyor Lift Mk.4– Caterium Ore scanner
Jetpackx50 Motorx100 Plasticx100 Rubberx50 Packaged Fuel– Jetpack– +3 Inventory slots
Monorail Train Technologyx50 Computerx100 Heavy Modular Framex500 Steel Beamx600 Steel Pipe– Railway– Train Station– Freight Platform– Fluid Freight Platform– Empty Platform– Block Signal– Path Signal– Electric Locomotive– Freight Car
Pipeline Engineering Mk.2x1,000 Copper Sheetx400 Plasticx400 Rubberx50 Heavy Modular Frame– Pipeline Mk.2– Pipeline Pump Mk.2

Tier 7 Milestones

Requirement: Complete Phase 3 of Space Elevator.

Bauxite Refinementx50 Computerx100 Heavy Modular Framex200 Motorx500 Rubber– Blender– Alumina Solution recipe– Packaged Alumina Solution recipe– Alimunum Scrap recipe– Aluminum Ingot recipe– Alclad Aluminum Sheet recipe– Aluminum Casing recipe– Radio Control Unit recipe– Bauxite scanner– Raw Quartz scanner
Logistics Mk.5x100 Alclad Aluminum Sheetx200 Encased Industrial Beamx300 Reinforced Iron Plate– Conveyor Belt Mk.5– Conveyor Lift Mk.5
Aeronautical Engineeringx50 Radio Control Unitx100 Alclad Aluminum Sheetx200 Aluminum Casingx300 Motor– Drone Port– Sulfuric Acid recipe– Packaged Sulfuric Acid recipe– Battery recipe– Supercomputer recipe– Assembly Director System recipe– Drone– Sulfur scanner
Hazmat Suitx50 Aluminum Casingx500 Quickwirex50 Gas Filter– Iodine Infused Filter recipe– Hazmat Suit– +3 Inventory slots
Hover Packx200 Motorx100 Heavy Modular Framex100 Computerx200 Alclad Aluminum Sheet– Hover Pack– +3 Inventory slots

Tier 8 Milestones

Nuclear Powerx50 Supercomputerx200 Heavy Modular Framex1,000 Cablex2,000 Concrete– Nuclear Power Plant– Encased Uranium Cell recipe– Electromagnetic Control Rod recipe– Uranium Fuel Rod recipe– Magnetic Field Generator recipe– Uranium scanner
Advanced Aluminum Productionx50 Radio Control Unitx200 Aluminum Casingx200 Alclad Aluminum Sheetx300 Wire– Resource Well Pressurizer– Resource Well Extractor– Empty Fluid Tank recipe– Packaged Nitrogen Gas recipe– Heat Sink recipe– Cooling System recipe– Fused Modular Frame recipe– Water Well scanner– Crude Oil Well scanner– Nitrogen Gas Well scanner
Leading-edge Productionx50 Fused Modular Framex100 Supercomputerx1,000 Steel Pipe– Miner Mk.3– Turbo Motor recipe– Thermal Propulsion Rocket recipe
Particle Enrichmentx400 Electromagnetic Control Rodx400 Cooling Systemx200 Fused Modular Framex100 Turbo Motor– Particle Accelerator– Nitric Acid recipe– Packaged Nitric Acid recipe– Non-fissile Uranium recipe– Plutonium– Pellet recipe– Encased Plutonium Cell recipe– Plutonium Fuel Rod recipe– Copper Powder recipe– Pressure Conversion Cube recipe– Nuclear Pasta recipe

Best Milestones to unlock first

Satisfactory machineryCoffee Stain Studios

When looking at the first few Tiers of the HUB in Satisfactory, there are a few stand-out Milestones that you should go for immediately after reaching its Tier. Here are all the best Milestones and why you should unlock them as soon as possible:

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  • Tier 1 Base Building: Foundations are crucial for having a flat, open space to place your machinery on, so unlock this as soon as you get to Tier 1.
  • Tier 1 Logistics: I would get this one right after Foundations since it allows you to split and merge your Conveyor Belts. These will make production management a lot more clean and efficient.
  • Tier 2 Part Assembly: A lot of items are only available to be put together using an Assembler, and this is one of the most crucial machines you can unlock.
  • Tier 2 Resource Sink Bonus Program: Getting the AWESOME Shop is an exciting new building that allows you to spend coupons to unlock blueprints.
  • Tier 3 Coal Power: Upgrading your power grid with Coal Generators is the next-best step to making a much-improved factory.
  • Tier 5 Oil Processing: Extracting Oil and refining fluids with a Refinery is another crucial part of Satisfactory that you should start unlocking right away, and you can now create items like Rubber and Fuel.

Now that you’ve learned everything there is to know about Tiers and Milestones, you should learn all about how to make a train system and what the best Alternate Recipes are.