Respawn reveals future Titanfall plans after removing original game from stores

titanfall is being delisted across digital storefrontsRespawn Entertainment

Respawn Entertainment has shared a note about future Titanfall plans with an announcement that the original game will be pulled from digital storefronts and subscription services in 2022. 

Titanfall was Respawn’s debut title in 2014 and the hybrid FPS game laid the foundation for the company’s success in more ways than one. Not only did it spawn a sequel in Titanfall 2, but the in-game universe is also home to their battle royale title Apex Legends.

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The note was clear that while things are changing for the original game, this isn’t the end of Titanfall, and the company will stay committed to the IP that brought them into the limelight in the first place.

Respawn Entertainment announces future Titanfall plans

Respawn's mysterious new game won't be related to the two-part Titanfall saga.Respawn Entertainment
Players will be saying goodbye to Titanfall early in 2022, but there’s still plenty of good things ahead.

Although Titanfall will be pulled from online stores and subscription services as of March 1, 2022,  the note was clear that this isn’t the end of the franchise.

In the announcement, Respawn shared some thoughts about what the mech-shooter means to the company: “It’s a game that showcased the ambitions of the studio when it was first released more than 7 years ago and continues to be a beacon of innovation that we strive for in all of our games.”

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The address concludes by saying that plans are in place to do even more with the property than they’ve done in the past: “Rest assured, Titanfall is core to Respawn’s DNA and this incredible universe will continue. Today in Titanfall 2 and Apex Legends, and in the future. This franchise is a north star for the caliber of experiences we will continue to create here at Respawn.”

While the game is being delisted on all digital platforms, those who would like to go back and revisit the original game can still do so.

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Respawn will be keeping the serves online for any players that have already purchased the game online or own the physical release.