Respawn fixes “infinite charge” Rampage and Sentinel exploit in Apex Legends

Rampage LMG Thermite Apex LegendsRespawn Entertainment

Respawn have quickly fixed an exploit with the Rampage LMG and Sentinel which allowed both weapons to be “infinitely charged” for the rest of the game, patching it out in a December 9 update.

The Rampage and Sentinel are pretty lacklustre guns just by themselves in Apex Legends. However, when players “charge” them up with Thermite Grenades and Shield Cells, they become a whole new beast.

The Rampage gets a huge rate-of-fire increase, while the Sentinel hits for big numbers when charged. The downside is the charge doesn’t last forever, and requires players to use up some of their inventory to do so.

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Rampage LMG RampartRespawn Entertainment
The Rampage is infinitely better when charged up, which makes sense as to why an infinite charge exploit is very strong.

However, there was an Apex Legends exploit to circumvent that. Just after the Raiders collection event update, players discovered if you drop a Thermite or Shield Cells from your inventory while in the middle of the Rampage’s charge animation, the items are not consumed but the guns still gets powered up.

This means it’s possible to keep the LMG infinitely revved up without having to worry about finding more Thermite Grenades.

Showcasing the glitch on the Apex Legends subreddit, Gutami demonstrated how simple the exploit is to perform in-game.

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However, for those wishing to abuse the exploit any further, Respawn has put a stop to it in a December 9 hotfix.

The update patched “an issue where the Sentinel and Rampage could be permanently in the charged-up state.”

The small patch also removed a glitch which was giving players Wattson’s newly-released heirloom for free.

It’s back to normal for the Sentinel and Rampage — no more infinite charge — but that doesn’t mean you should shy away from either gun if you are confident with it.

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