Players outraged over PS5 Spider-Man Remaster cross-save controversy

Insomniac Games/Sony/Marvel

After Insomniac Games revealed that saves from the PS4 version of Marvel’s Spider-Man wouldn’t transfer over to the remastered PS5 version of the game, many players turned to Twitter to voice their concerns.

When Spider-Man: Miles Morales was first shown off during the PS5 showcase back in mid-September 2020, fans were blown away by how good the game looked. After the fact, however, details about the how the game would be released were revealed – including how the Ultimate Edition of the game would include a remastered version of the original Spider-Man game on PS5.

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Now, developer Insomniac Games has clarified that the PS4 version of Marvel’s Spider-Man and the remastered version coming to the PS5 – as a part of the Miles Morales Ultimate Edition – are two separate games, meaning the saves from one version of the game cannot transfer to the other.

Needless to say, after the news went viral, many fans were not happy and took to Twitter in order to voice their displeasure – with some major names cropping up.

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One Twitter user commented that they thought the news was lazy and that it would alienate customers, which it very well might.

Content creator and streamer ‘djchrisv’ offered a simple but effective response to the news, also voicing his displeasure.

One commenter had a less intense take than some people, but still agreed that news wasn’t exactly the best in the world and that, in his opinion, the remaster seemed like a “cash grab”

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Twitter user and YouTuber ‘BlackRockShadow’ also voiced their displeasure with the news.

As previously mentioned, some notable names got involved with the conversation, too. Gamertagradio co-host Danny Peña, also gave a one-word comment that definitely got his point across, while IGN host Brian Altano chimmed in on the news, as well.

At the same time, however, some players weren’t affected by the news at all, with some even confused as to why there were any complaints at all about it.

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One said that, while he understands the frustration, restarting the game again in his eyes is going to be worth it.

Another user compared this situation to Modern Warfare Remastered, stating that player stats didn’t transfer over in that case so why should it here.

All in all, it’ll be interesting to see Insomniac and Sony’s response when it comes this controversy. Given how much notoriety it’s gotten, the company might be willing to reverse course and allow players to transfer their saves, although this is purely speculation.

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