What planets are in Star Wars Outlaws? All confirmed locations

Star Wars Outlaws splash artUbisoft / Lucasfilm

Star Wars Outlaws is the first ever open-world game set in the galaxy far, far away, but exactly which planets are we going to be able to explore? From familiar holes in the wall on Tatooine to brand new areas on the Moon of Toshara, here’s every location that’s been confirmed thus far.

Star Wars Outlaws is set to make history as the IP’s first true open-world game. While EA’s Jedi series boasted large areas with multiple branching paths to explore, Outlaws ups the ante with full planets and multiple sprawling cities to navigate.

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So as the first of its kind, just which planets are set to be featured as their own distinct open worlds? While some will be familiar to even casual Star Wars fans, others are deep cuts only the hardcore crowd will recognize at first. One is even a brand new location designed by Ubisoft in collaboration with Lucasfilm.

Below is the full rundown on every planet confirmed to be explorable in the upcoming Star Wars Outlaws game.

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Every confirmed planet in Star Wars Outlaws


Akiva planet in Star Wars OutlawsUbisoft / Lucasfilm

Akiva is a rather hot planet in the Outer Rim, known predominantly for its stormy weather, with thunder and rainstorms all too common. Having entered Star Wars canon in the Aftermath novel series, Outlaws marks the first time this location has been properly visualized in Star Wars media.

Myrra is the capital city of Akiva, described as a sprawling web of interconnected streets, locals use bala-bala speeders to turn tight corners and navigate the narrow pathways. Not to mention, it’s all built atop some fascinating elements under the planet’s surface. We know for certain Akiva once housed an enormous droid construction facility underground, and rumors suggest the city sits atop a maze of ancient catacombs.

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Outlaws Creative Director Julian Gerighty has also teased the planet’s unique cantina at the center of it all. Called the Alkazar, this hub “has a huge tree in the middle” and attracts all sorts of “patrons you will get to know” over the course of the game.


Canto Bight in Star WarsLucasfilm

Cantonica is set to appear in Star Wars Outlaws, though it appears we’ll be mostly traveling through its coastal city, Canto Bight. That name might ring a few bells for fans of the series as Canto Bight was a key location in Star Wars: The Last Jedi.

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A vibrant, flourishing city, Canto Bight is where much of the galaxy’s ultra-elites like to spend their time. With exorbitant gambling, races to watch, and the finest food and drinks to enjoy, it’s often called a “playground of the most glamorous beings in the galaxy.”

Naturally, we can expect plenty of mini-games here in Outlaws, some high-stakes Sabacc wouldn’t be out of place. Perhaps it’s here we even bump into Lando Calrissian, a beloved character already confirmed to make an appearance in the game.

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Outlaws’ protagonist Kay Vess just so happens to be from Cantonica, though she doesn’t quite come from a wealthy family, that we know of. Rather, it’s been confirmed Vess grew up in Canto Bight’s Worker’s District. She’ll no doubt have plenty to say upon returning to her home planet and seeing the many sights and sounds she never could before.


Kijimi planet in Star Wars OutlawsUbisoft / Lucasfilm

We’ve seen Kijimi at the worst of times. This planet located in the Mid Rim Territories was ultimately eviscerated in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, in a show of force from the First Order. Obviously, with Outlaws taking place well before the events of the sequel trilogy, we get to see the planet in its prime.

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Known as a haven for criminals, this location had no central governing body. Thus, it was a rather lawless region, one rife with scoundrels. It boasts mountainous terrain though with its chilly weather, you certainly won’t want to be out in the snow for long.

During our own hands-on time with Outlaws, we got to explore a small chunk of Kijimi, warming up in some local cantinas, playing Sabacc, and listening to words of wisdom from the locals.

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Tatooine in Star WarsLucasfilm

If you’ve engaged with anything even tangentially related to Star Wars, there’s every chance you’ve seen Tatooine before. As one of the most-visited locations in the franchise, the sandy Outer Rim planet will once again be on display in Outlaws, though perhaps with a greater level of detail than ever before.

We know for certain its iconic cantina will be brought to life in-game, and that we’ll be dealing with Jabba The Hutt as one of the main syndicate leaders at the time, but exactly how much of Tatooine we get to explore remains a mystery.

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Torshara in Star Wars OutlawsUbisoft / Lucasfilm

Not a planet but a moon, Toshara is a brand-new location built from the ground up for Outlaws. Ubisoft worked closely with Lucasfilm in designing the location and ensuring it fit well within the Star Wars canon.

Found in the Toshaal system, the planet features Savannah-like terrain, though much of its taller structures have degraded over time as a result of staggeringly strong winds.

Known as a hub for criminal activity, we’ll no doubt be spending plenty of time on Toshara. With a huge city in Mirogana, it sounds like Kay will be visiting this moon a great deal throughout her adventure.

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Star Wars Outlaws gameplayUbisoft
We’re sure to be spending plenty of time on our speeder bike exploring each and every planet in Outlaws.

For now, that’s every location confirmed to appear in Star Wars Outlaws. Though as the galaxy is far bigger than we can imagine, there’s always a chance a few surprises are thrown in along the way. We’ll be sure to keep you posted here with any further details as we learn more.