Nintendo fan goes viral with wild GameCube controller mod

GC controller modPowerA

GameCube controllers getting modded is nothing out of the ordinary. With valuable reasons as to why doing so, Nintendo fans love to do it. But one, in particular, got wild with it and it went viral.

The average video game player has at least experienced one controller in their life, be it an Xbox, PlayStation, or Switch controller, every gamer has their own preference.

Some like the idea of simplistic controllers that receive small alterations ala Xbox, while others could enjoy the symmetry in both the control sticks and buttons such as the PlayStation. But there are also the ones that enjoy the ever-evolving controllers that Nintendo makes.

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Nintendo’s controllers have brought many fan-favorites such as the Wii and Wii U’s that came with a Wiimote and a Nunchuk, allowing for a different style of play. The most recent system, the Switch iterated on that and made it a more seamless transition between normal and handheld play.

Gc controller for Switch consoleThe GameCube controller is such a fan-favorite that Nintendo has brought it back for the Switch.

But there’s one controller that since its console’s release, has been many Nintendo and non-Nintendo fans’ go-to: the GameCube.

Nintendo fan attaches an amp to a GameCube controller

Known for its clickity clackity sound when pressing its button, the GameCube controller is one of the most recognizable ways to play a console. On top of that, its size and the position of buttons can be oddly satisfying for some.

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That’s why known controller modder, ShankMods, decided to turn it up a notch, literally, by giving the controller even more power in its sound after he plugged it into an amp. Stating, “The GameCube controller is great and all, but it just isn’t loud enough. So I fixed that.”

Showcasing his mod on a video, ShankMods first pressed down the GameCube controller’s buttons, sticks, and d-pad to show the normal sound of the controller.

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Already loud, he decided to add more to that after he plugged in an amp cord into the controller, conveying an even stronger sound.

GameCube controllers receiving mods is nothing out of the ordinary, with mods to improve gameplay on games like Super Smash Bros, Nintendo fans know no bounds. But sometimes these bounds are surpassed, even if it means making the controller even louder.

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